Breathing Problems In Cats: What To Do?

Difficulty breathing in cats can have a number of causes. In our article we would like to inform you about this in more detail.
Difficulty breathing in cats: what to do?

When you talk about cats, you’re talking about one of the most popular pets. But you also have to know that breathing difficulties in cats can pose a very high health risk. In the following we would like to list some of the reasons and how you can face this situation quickly.

How do cats breathe

Before we get into the reasons and solutions related to breathing difficulties in cats  , it is important to understand how cats breathe in the first place. This way, if we discover any unusual behavior, we can act accordingly.

Unlike other mammals, such as dogs or humans, cats only breathe through their noses. The cat’s respiratory tract is divided into two parts: upper and lower. This means that the mouth is never part of the cat’s breathing mechanism.

This is why it is important to learn to identify some of the following symptoms in our cat:

  • She tries to breathe through her open mouth.
  • Breathing is slow or very fast.
  • Often there is a cough or multiple sneezes.
  • Other symptoms include malaise, fever, or nasal secretions.

Velvet paw is examined by the veterinarian

If we notice that one or more of these symptoms recur relatively frequently, we should act quickly. It is best to see a veterinarian immediately.

Reasons for breathing difficulties in cats

There are many reasons that can cause breathing difficulties in cats. One of the main and most common is the cat flu complex.

The term is used to refer to a range of diseases that affect the airways. It is usually caused by two viruses: the herpes virus or the feline calicivirus (FCV).

These viruses target the cat’s upper respiratory tract, which includes the eyes, nose, mouth, tongue and throat. Apart from the breathing difficulties, this also leads to irritation in these areas.

This causes the animal to salivate, runny nose and watery eyes in an attempt to get rid of the virus. However, this also means that it can infect other animals so quickly.

This type of transmission is especially dangerous for young animals that grow up together. If the virus is not treated in time, it can be fatal.

Cat asthma also often causes breathing difficulties. It is usually triggered by an inflammation of the bronchi and is a reaction to a harmful or irritating product. Cat asthma is characterized by difficulty breathing, intense coughing, or breathing sounds.

Cat with difficulty breathing

As mentioned above, there are many reasons behind the difficulty breathing. Here is a brief summary:

  • Allergies in cats can make breathing difficult.
  • There are some parasites, such as lungworms, that attack the respiratory system.
  • If our cat accidentally swallowed a foreign body, it could also affect their breathing.

What to do if my cat has difficulty breathing

The best solution is always to take the cat to a trusted veterinarian immediately. Many of these conditions can be very serious, so it is best to get the animal treated as soon as possible. 

Depending on the type of illness, the veterinarian then initiates the appropriate treatment. Sometimes antibiotics or other special medications, such as inhalers, are needed for asthma.

There is not much we pet owners can do ourselves, apart from a few preventive measures to strengthen the cat’s immune system. This includes a balanced diet, regular vaccinations and daily attention and care for our velvet paws.

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