Discover In Which City You Can Only Adopt Dogs

In many cases we do not see what experiences dogs or cats have already had before they are offered for sale. It is often an excruciating business in which the physical and emotional state of the animals is secondary.
Discover in which city you can only adopt dogs

In many cases, dog breeding is pure business. The animals experience great suffering in so-called “puppy factories”, which is why this city ​​has decided that only abandoned dogs will be allowed to be adopted. 

Selling animals as a business

City where only abandoned dogs are sold

In many cases we do not see what experiences dogs or cats have already had before they are offered for sale. It is often an excruciating business in which the physical and emotional state of the animals is secondary.

Female dogs become a birthing machine. They are kept in small cages while they are pregnant  and repeatedly forced to give birth to puppies. As soon as they are no longer suitable for this, they are “disposed of”.

Of course this is not always the case, there are also loving, responsible breeders, but  a lot of dogs are done a lot in puppy factories  just to make as much profit as possible from the innocent animals.

San Francisco prohibits the indiscriminate sale of pets

To put an end to puppy factories and animal abuse,  a law was passed in the city of San Francisco, California that only allows rescued, abandoned and abandoned animals to be sold. The only exception are animals from official breeders, who have to follow specific regulations, such as taking good care of the mother animals.

This measure also includes that dogs or cats under 2 months may not be sold. Until then, they have to stay with the mother animal and her siblings. The San Francisco Authority has a majority vote in favor of this project proposed by Katy Tan. 

One of the goals of these new regulations is to prevent too many pedigree dogs from being bred. At the same time it tries to solve the problem of the street dogs. Various animal welfare organizations welcomed this initiative with pleasure.

Human greed has led to a cruel industry in which animals are viewed as profitable objects. Countless cats and dogs are kept in small cages to be used as birthing machines.

The goal of the city of San Francisco: to sell only abandoned dogs

The goal of the city of San Francisco: to sell only abandoned dogs

The new law also aims to  dissuade people from buying pedigree dogs. The aim is to encourage the adoption of mixed breed dogs who are having a hard time finding a new home. Often they spend years in animal shelters.

Thousands of animals are picked up from the streets in the city of San Francisco every year. There are currently around 6,000 animals in animal shelters that need to be fed and medical attention.

The city of San Francisco wants to make everyone aware that animals are not objects and  that puppy factories must be put an end to in order to prevent animal suffering and misery. Other American cities such as San Diego, Philadelphia, Chicago, Austin and Boston also follow this example. The laws here too may soon be changed.

When planning to buy a pedigree dog, you should consider all of these aspects. Make sure that the dog does not come from a puppy factory, but from a responsible breeder. This is the only way you can prevent  animals from being mistreated and abused in these breeding facilities. Think about this motto: “You don’t buy friends, you adopt them!”

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