Your Dog Loves You When He Understands You

Body language is very important to communicate with your beloved four-legged friend. Your dog knows you very well because it observes you and interprets your behavior, your movements and your voice. Read on to find out more on the subject. 
Your dog loves you when he understands you

We often find it difficult to get along with other people, even though we have many ways of communicating. Communicating with a dog seems even more difficult at first glance. And how do you think your honest friend does it to understand you? In today’s article we’re going to answer these questions, because your  dog will love  you even more if he understands you!

Body language is very important to communicate with your beloved four-legged friend. Your dog knows you very well because it observes you and interprets your behavior, your movements and your voice. Read on to find out more on the subject. 

How can I make my dog ​​understand me?

Dog loves his master

Your  dog loves  you even more if he understands you, but how can that be achieved? It’s not always that easy, as verbal communication is very limited and, above all, one-sided. But body language is very helpful for dogs to understand and be understood. Here some examples:

  • The position: You should adopt a posture that inspires confidence in your four-legged companion. A stiff posture makes the animal feel uncomfortable, maybe it even gets scared. If you stand too strictly in front of your four-legged friend, it will have little desire to approach you.
  • Precise movements: It is important to be clear with the animal. It learns to interpret gestures quickly and easily and knows exactly what you’re trying to say. However, you must always use the same clear gestures in the same situations to avoid confusing the dog. If you use similar gestures in different situations, your pet won’t be able to interpret them correctly. Every movement and gesture directed at the dog should be distinctive and not frighten him.

    Play with your dog, pet him, spoil him and tell him nice things. Our four-legged friends don’t understand anything about bad or sad days, they don’t know whether your day went well or was difficult. They just want your love and attention, that’s all.

    Your furball cannot tell you in words how great his love is, but you know it that way too: your dog loves you and shows it to you every day through his devotion and loyalty.

    Your dog loves you when he understands you, and he’ll tell you too

    Your fur nose shows you his love every day, for example when you come home in the evening and he jumps up for joy. But there are other ways that show that your dog loves you:

    He loves your company

    This can sometimes even be annoying, because your four-legged friend won’t even let you go to the toilet in peace. He accompanies you constantly, sits on you when you relax in front of the TV and does not give you a second. Don’t forget that your dog is a pack animal that only feels comfortable in company!

    Dog loves owner

    He licks your face

    This can also be annoying and annoying, but it is in its nature: Your dog licks your feet, your face, your neck or other areas of the body. He’ll sniff your feet or nibble your toes. Don’t forget that this is how your four-legged friend shows you how much he loves you.

    He makes himself comfortable next to you

    Does your dog leave you no space on the sofa or in bed? Even if you like to have him around, this can be annoying at times. But he always wants to be with you because he loves you!

    Your dog understands you and loves you,  he shows you this through his jumps for joy, his loyalty and the closeness to you, which he is constantly looking for. Enjoy the time with him! The better he understands you, the more your woolly darling loves you.

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