Which Bones Can I Give To My Dog?

To this day, experts still disagree on whether it is good to feed dogs bones. The only person who can make this decision is ultimately the dog owner
Which bones can I give my dog?

The question arises again and again whether a dog can be fed bones, but there doesn’t seem to be a clear answer to it .

Some say they are good for dog dental health, and most importantly, they taste good. They think the nutrient in bone marrow is of great benefit to dog health.

However, others claim that feeding this treat can be fatal to dogs. But what’s right now? Can you feed dogs with it or not? The real question, however, is “Which bones can I feed my dog?

Can you feed dogs bones?

As we mentioned earlier, even the experts disagree on this issue. Proponents back up their theory, however, by stating that the dogs’ ancestors eventually fed on it too. You ask yourself why the direct descendant of the wolf, who ultimately also eats bones, is not allowed to eat this food?

Wolves have been shown to eat all parts of their prey, including in some cases their skin. The bones are a kind of dessert, possibly because the animals like them particularly well. This theory is based on the statement that we can feed our dogs with it with a clear conscience.

Dog eats his bone

But let’s also look at the other side of the experts who claim that bone feeding is bad for our dogs. Your statement is based on the following points:

  • Even if dogs and wolves are demonstrably very similar, the dog has developed differently due to its domestication. Its rhythm of life, which is very different from its wild relatives, no longer requires the same diet. For this reason, the diet should be different for both species.
  • Wolves can also suffer internal injuries from eating bones. The difference, however, is that we do not notice it. The experts say that this food can cause great harm to animals and even lead to their death. It could cause suffocation or perforation of a vital organ in the dog.

Dog with a bone in its mouth

The question now arises: Can I feed my dog ​​bones or not? Ultimately, the only person who can make that decision is yourself.

You can give these bones to your dog

What all pet owners agree on is the fact that our dogs love these treats and this is why many feed them to their pets. If you are a proponent then it is especially important to know what bones to give to dogs.

Duck neck bones

Duck neck bones are highly recommended due to their high nutritional value and the fact that they pose no danger to your four-legged friend. Their cartilage and bone marrow contain large amounts of nutrients. However, this does not apply to chickens or turkeys, so please do not confuse them!

Beef bones

Many parts of the body of these animals can be fed to the dogs as they are good for their health. The thighbone or the knee, for example, both have large cartilage and there is some meat there, which is sure to give your pet a lot of pleasure.

So why withhold this treat from your dog? Pig knees are also very tasty and healthy. 

fresh bones

Chicken bones

Care should be taken with feeding chicken bones as they are smaller and more likely to splinter. Before feeding them to your dog, seek advice from your veterinarian. If you choose to feed these bones, always choose the larger pieces and the ones that don’t have sharp edges that could perforate or injure your dog’s intestines.

Lamb bones

As with the chicken bones, the larger specimens of the lamb bones should be fed to the dog to avoid accidents. Also remember that you should always give your four-legged friend raw bones, never cooked.

In addition, never let your darling out of your sight while they are busy with the bone and always remember to feed large specimens so that your dog cannot choke on them. We are sure that your dog will be delighted with a treat like this!

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