What Can I Do If My Dog ​​is Sad?

Do not worry, we will help you identify the causes and know how to act in any situation.

When your dog is sad, it is normal for you to worry and not know what to do. Because he can’t tell you what’s wrong with him, helping him can seem complicated.

Do not worry, we will help you identify the causes and know how to act in any situation. If your dog is sad and you want to help him, don’t miss this valuable information that we want to share with you.

Why is my dog ​​sad?

In order to help our pet, we must first identify the root of the problem. Sadness is not the same as depression. Either of these can cause harm to your pet. However, one is worse than the other.

The pain in the face is worth more than the pain in the heart

–Miguel de Cervantes–

It is important to understand the causes that are causing your dog’s sadness to determine if it is a temporary sadness or a medical problem.

5 reasons your dog can be sad

These are some of the reasons your dog can be sad :

  • Loss of a loved one. If someone in the family or one of the pets has died, it is normal for your dog to be sad. He feels the absence and misses the person or the animal.
  • Move. Dogs are territorial animals, so a move can affect them more than we think. Don’t worry, it will pass, but give it time.
  • Trauma. Your dog went through an excruciating situation that made him sad. Maybe something that happened to him while he was home alone. Maybe you don’t even know about it.
  • Loneliness. If your dog spends too much time at home alone, it is possible that loneliness is too overwhelming. The stress caused by boredom can lead to depression.
  • Fight with other dogs. If your dog has been in the middle of a dog fight by accident, he or she may feel sad and scared.

Additional reasons 

  • A new baby in the family. Although animals protect babies, it is sometimes possible that some may feel threatened or jealous by arrival because of less attention or affection.
  • A new pet.  This can also be the case with a new pet. Too little attention or jealousy can make the animal sad.
  • Disease. If your dog is sad, it can also be a sign of illness. If you think none of the above applies to him, take him to the vet to rule out he is sick.
  • Divorce.  In the event of a divorce, the dog misses one of the owners, for him it is like the death of a loved one.
  • Stress and anxiety. If your dog is stressed out from boredom, loneliness, or any other situation, this can also lead to sadness.

How can you help your dog?

When you’ve noticed that your dog is sick, doesn’t feel like playing, has no appetite, and just wants to sleep, it’s time to act.

Analyze the possible causes and act accordingly.

Give your pet love, affection, and time whether there is a baby or a new pet in the family.

With additional love, replace the person who is missing in his life either through death or divorce.

If the pet spends too much time at home alone, consider adopting a second pet to keep him company.

Nobody knows your dog better than you: you know for sure what can make him happy.

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