How Do You Know If Your Cat Likes You?

You need to understand their body language to be clear about their feelings. We’ll give you some pointers to show that your cat likes you.
How do you know if your cat likes you?

Cats are much more independent and less expressive than dogs, so it’s harder to understand what they’re feeling. However, if we understand their body language, we will understand some of their feelings. We’ll give you some pointers that will show you whether your cat likes you.

Do you want to know if your cat likes you ?

All you have to do is watch your kitten carefully and notice some of his or her gestures that will show you that he likes you.

She loves being on the couch with you

If you sit down on the couch and she doesn’t waste time laying down next to you, don’t doubt your cat likes you. It is true that cats are generally less sociable than dogs. Therefore, this is a clear gesture that your cat likes you.

Of course you know that she has an independent character. So it is possible that you want to sit with her on the couch more often, but she doesn’t want to. There’s something about having a cat as a pet …

She rubs her head against you

Your cat may appear and nudge its head or rub it against your body, and there is no longer any doubt about how it feels about you. Many experts have analyzed this procedure and have assured that they are expressing deep feelings towards the person concerned. These feelings have to do with connection, affection, and acceptance. What more can you ask for?

When she looks at you meowing

Of course, she’s thirsty or hungry sometimes, but if she’s staring at you and meowing, it’s because she wants to be in closer contact with you. It’s like she’s trying to start a conversation with you or tell you how she feels about you. Is not she cute?

A gesture that your cat likes you.

If she doesn’t scratch you

If you have had your cat from a young age, it is very likely that you have received several scratches from her, with no doubt the intent was not malicious. The claws are in her defense and when she thinks she is in danger she instinctively extends them.

When it disappears when guests arrive

Maybe you would like your cat to be around when your friends come to visit. But when she leaves, when other people come, while she is always with you when you are alone, it shows that she only wants to be with you and not with anyone else.

At least now you know that she would never trade you in. Even if she sometimes doesn’t listen to you or doesn’t want to be with you. You see, in order to understand the love of cats it is necessary to study their behavior.

When she lies at your feet

This is a gesture that dogs often do too, but your cat does it because she has a lot to tell you. Once you’re sitting on the sofa and your cat suddenly lies down on your feet and curls up over them, it is looking for your warmth and love. Because she feels comfortable there and because your cat likes you. Do not doubt it!

She kneads you because your cat likes you.

Knead, knead

Perhaps it is one of the cat’s gestures that bothers some the most, especially when they are sleeping. But do you know what is the greatest token of love your cat can give you?

The balls of your feet are an important form of body communication as they release pheromones. She leaves them to the person she is attracted to. Yes, she kneads you because she likes you and wants to be with you. She wants your attention for it!

Now you know the obvious signs that your cat likes you. Have you noticed a loving gesture or two that proves it to you? Then no longer doubt your cat and enjoy their limitless love!

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