5 Unpleasant Smells For Dogs

The olfactory sense of dogs is 40 times stronger than that of humans and dogs cannot stand some smells that are pleasant to us.
5 unpleasant smells for dogs

Dogs have many more olfactory cells than humans and are therefore able to perceive smells much more intensely and from a greater distance. Our four-legged friends quickly recognize whether they like a smell or not. Do you want to know what smells dogs can’t stand? We’ll tell you here!

In this context, one not only has to take into account that the olfactory sense of dogs is far superior to that of humans, the tastes are also different! You may love the scent of a flower, but your dog will respond with contempt. But how do you know whether your four-legged friend likes a smell or not?

Unpleasant smells for dogs

Citrus fruits

The aroma of citrus is probably one of your favorite scents. It reminds you of cleanliness and we are sure that you have one or the other cleaning agent with this scent at home.  But don’t forget: dogs can’t stand this smell.

You read that right: if you have a dog at home and you use a citrus-scented cleaner, you’d better change your cleaner. Imagine the intense citrus scent 40 times stronger, because this is exactly how your dog perceives it.

The smell is so strong for dogs that they can suffer damage to the nasal cavities and airways.

Dog nose sniffs out smells

However, you could also use this smell to your advantage. For example, if you want to keep your dog from peeing in the house, set up a bowl of essential oils that smell like citrus fruits. Problem solved!


If you enjoy using vinegar to clean your house, you should reconsider your decision. Because your dog can’t stand this smell! That said, it’s a great tool if you want to keep your dog from peeing in the house in certain places. Since it is a natural product, it cannot harm your dog. 

Hot peppers

The scent of chilli or cayenne pepper is very irritating for dogs. If you want to keep your dog away from a certain area in your house, add some cayenne pepper to the area, but out of reach of his nose so that your four-legged friend does not come into direct contact with the product.

The ingredients can affect your dog’s airways, irritate his nose, or cause constant sneezing. So don’t forget to wash your hands if you use these spices in cooking and then want to pet your dog. It could cause problems with your dog’s mucous membranes.


If a dog could scream, it would certainly do so with this smell, because it is extremely unpleasant for the four-legged friend. Ammonia contains many chemicals that produce strong odors and therefore put the dog off.

unpleasant smells for animals

This product is very irritating to the dog’s nose and leads to constant sneezing.  Some people compare the smell of ammonia to the smell of urine, but dogs feel differently.


The smell of these little mothballs that we often put in our closet is very unpleasant for our dogs. But not only that! If your four-legged friend eats one of these balls, it can even die from it. This product is highly toxic and causes damage to the liver and nervous system.

If you have a dog, you shouldn’t risk his life by doing it. Instead, fill small bags with dried lavender or other flowers and put them in the closet.

Particularly noteworthy are odors that emanate from cleaning products and perfumes and are extremely unpleasant for dogs. Therefore, keep your pet away from such products as much as possible. 

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