Are Mixed Breeds Healthier Than Pedigree Dogs?

There are studies that deal with hereditary diseases in pedigree dogs. There are none on mixed breed dogs, however, as it is so difficult to determine ancestry.
Are mixed breeds healthier than pedigree dogs?

Many know that pedigree dogs sometimes suffer from hereditary diseases that are passed from parents to puppies. On the contrary, it is often said that  crossbreeds are healthier and do not suffer from genetic problems.

How much truth is there in these assumptions?

Hereditary diseases in pedigree dogs

Dog breeds are bred through genetic selection : one crosses the animals with the desired traits.

The typical racial characteristics then emerge through the generations. This is how all breeds of dogs were bred: from the most primitive to the most modern.

You can choose any criterion for this. Nowadays, most breeds are bred for their looks. 

However, there are also breeds that were bred for their intelligence, speed, or gentle character. For example the German shepherd, greyhounds or the popular Labradors.

In this case, appearance is less important, even if the animals of the same breed are similar.

Thanks to genetic selection, the desired traits are strengthened from generation to generation. Unfortunately, genetic diseases are also passed on.

In the 20th century there was an explosion of different races. Until the 19th century, however, there were actually only breeds that were bred for a specific work purpose.

Diseases from irresponsible overbreeding

In the last few decades, however, there have been more and more breeds bred for their physical aspects. Irresponsible breeders began to breed many litters  without paying attention to the necessary hygiene and diversity.

This resulted in an increasing number of genetic diseases that the animals passed on from generation to generation.

Pedigree dogs are sometimes more vulnerable

That’s why there are some breeds that are increasingly suffering from health problems, di have no other similar dogs.

Deafness is far more common in Dalmatians than in other dogs. A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is more likely to have syringomyelia. It’s a very painful, incurable disease.

Breeds are also bred for their appearance, although it is known that this will bring them health problems. For example short-snouted dogs like the pug or the English bulldog, which often suffer from respiratory diseases.

So-called toy races (the very small ones) also suffer from heart problems more often, because their hearts are too small and not strong enough.

Are hybrids gesünde r ?

It is said that when two different breeds crossbreed, the strong and healthy genes are passed on. Therefore, mixed breeds are healthier than pedigree dogs. But that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.

A mongrel can also inherit a disease gene. It is less likely, however, since only one parent, not both, will pass these genes on.

However, mixed breeds almost never appear in the statistics of hereditary diseases in dogs. This is because they are difficult to classify and research.

When doing a study, it is easier to choose dogs of one breed rather than mixed breeds that are two or three breeds.

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But just because they don’t appear in studies doesn’t mean they’ll never get sick.

Just as the parent animals pass on color, intelligence or appearance, they can also pass on diseases.

Check with the vet for more information

The veterinarian is best able to identify possible genetic diseases. He then also draws up a treatment or preventive care plan.

If your hybrid contains a breed that is prone to disease, let your veterinarian know. So you can take precautionary measures together.

There are also health problems that are attributed to size rather than genetics. This includes, for example, hip dysplasia, which the vet also regularly examines and treats.

Only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis and a treatment plan. Genetic tests can even be used to determine whether the dog is likely to develop a hereditary condition.

Mixed race may seem healthier, but only thorough examination can really tell.

So it doesn’t necessarily have to be true that mixed breeds are healthier than pedigree dogs. They are less likely to have inherited diseases, but that doesn’t mean they should be taken to the vet and for routine checkups less often.

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