Does Buying Dogs Encourage Animal Abuse?

In particular, so-called puppy factories in Eastern Europe use bitches as birthing machines. They lead a dreary life and do not receive the necessary care and affection. The puppies are not doing any better either. There is a lack of hygiene and care, in addition, the small animals are transported long distances in lorries under miserable conditions and are exposed to great stress. 
Does Buying Dogs Promote Pet Abuse?

Even as children we admired the big, shining eyes of dogs who looked at us lovingly and faithfully from a glass cabinet, a shop window or through a grille. However, we were not aware of the suffering these dogs experience. Today we ask ourselves the questions:  buying  or adopting a dog? Does Buying  Dogs Increase Animal  Abuse?

Animals often have to suffer a lot before they end up at the point of sale, and here too they have a difficult life. We want to free them, take them home and give them a good life. But is that really the right way?

Where do the cute puppies come from?

When we buy one of these puppies, we become part of the ordeal, the business-making that hides behind it and does not obey any rules. In Europe, many dogs come from puppy factories located in countries like Hungary or Slovakia.

These dog breeding establishments can only exist because the purebred dogs offered are actually  bought. However, one must not forget that they treat dogs like a product, not a living being with different needs.

Buying puppies

In order to create “products” one needs “birthing machines”, which are kept in a  confined space with inadequate nutrition. The risk of infection and dehydration is very high, the mother bitches do not have any movement, their sole purpose is to give birth to dogs.

It is all about business,  the welfare of the animals is secondary, if they can no longer they die a bitter death or are slaughtered.

Since there is no control or any laws, the bitches in these breeding facilities suffer physical and psychological agony.
The fate of the puppies is no better either.  They often suffer from illnesses and depression  because they are treated as objects and not kept in a species-appropriate manner. If they are not suitable for sale  , they will be slaughtered and replaced immediately. 

Buying or adopting dogs

Buying a dog often promotes such puppy factories, even if we are not aware of it. This violates animal rights and abuses animals. 

Rearing, transport and sale

At five to six weeks of age, the puppies are separated from their mothers and taken to a dark room  where they are housed in plastic boxes or cages lined with paper. The paper is designed to absorb urine and feces. This is where the puppies get their food and water, but this greatly increases the risk of a viral disease or infection.

The transport usually takes longer than 72 hours,  the animals are then brought to the dealers. Between 150 and 200 little dogs are transported in a small truck, which are close to each other in cages stacked on top of each other.

An absorbent paper is placed between the cages  to prevent urine and feces from entering the lower cages. Buying these dogs encourages abuse of animals.

Buying a dog in a cage

On the trip, there is no stopping to give the animals some exercise or to let them get some fresh air. They see no sunlight and are not fed or watered every four hours. The puppies are still too small for so much stress,  but they are handed over with fake hygiene and health certificates.

The high demand for pedigree dogs promotes dog factories  in which attractive business is the focus and the health and well-being of the dogs are only secondary. They deny that this type of rearing affects the dogs’ physical and psychological condition.

Animal shops, advertisements on the Internet or even hidden sales outlets trade in these animals in order to enrich themselves. You are sick and are usually treated with an antibiotic cocktail. Many of these dogs die in just a few days after purchase. Many suffer from parvovirus and distemper.

Adoption instead of purchase

Dog shelters allow abandoned animals to be warm, well-being and loving care,  but mostly they are mixed breeds and not pedigree dogs. However, if you choose to adopt instead of buy, you can be sure that you will not be supporting the dog factory business.

You can give a dog a second chance,  save lives, and prevent animal abuse. Shelters look after the dogs’ health, offer them protection and meet their needs. Even after adoption, they try to continue to guarantee the dog’s welfare.

If more dogs are adopted and the demand for puppies from dog factories diminishes, they will no longer stand a chance and will have to close. Love and care is everything dogs want from us. In return, they give us their limitless fidelity and loyalty. We therefore recommend that you:  adopt a dog and exercise responsibility!

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