Who Is Temple Grandin?

Temple Grandin is a behavioral biologist who specializes in farm animals. It may not be well known, but it has worked in incredible ways for animal welfare and achieved great success around the world. 
Who is Temple Grandin?

Temple Grandin is a well-known animal researcher who suffers from autism but has benefited from the disease. This exemplary woman, for example, has a very special gift of observation.

Temple Grandin  is a behavioral biologist who specializes in farm animals. It may not be well known, but it has  worked in incredible ways for animal welfare and achieved great success around the world. 

Temple Grandin is a renowned ethologist, zoologist and professor.  She has published various books and given many lectures on animal behavior and also on autism.

Temple Grandin suffers from autism, a disease that gave her a very special understanding of animals. It is a link between human thought and the animal world.

Temple Grandin’s complicated childhood

Temple Grandin was born in 1947. When she was diagnosed with autism, her parents were advised to move her to a home. 

But the family decided against it. Temple’s parents stood up for their daughter and gave her intensive support.

She rejected human contact as a child, but Temple changed a lot as she grew up. When she was visiting a family farm, she had a brilliant idea.

Young Tempel watched a machine put pressure on cows to calm them down.

This led her to develop a similar device for autistic children herself. A mechanical hug allows contact if necessary without the need for a human.

Who is Temple Grandin - horse

The contact with animals helped Temple learn to live with their illness. She became more empathetic through  riding and contact with cows. This was probably the best therapy for establishing contact with the outside world. Much better than a mechanical hug!

Temple Grandin: the animal rights activist

She then decided to study psychology and specialize in animal behavior. So devoted her life to research in the fields of autism and animal welfare. 

Their main concern was to improve animal welfare.  For this purpose, she has published various articles on behavioral enrichment, stress in animals and animal transport.

She achieved that many farms and slaughterhouses in the United States were redesigned. Her wonderful work gained international recognition.

Temple Grandin found that autistic people often pay particular attention to image details and have a keen eye for observation.

Some of the most brilliant scientists and artists in history had different degrees of autistic traits.

Who is Temple Grandin - cows

Autism and animals

Temple Grandin likes to mention the following example: A group of cows refused to approach the vet, but no one knew why. At the entrance a banner with the cows too large blew ß led it uncertainty.

The same ideas were used in the design of various facilities in animal production.  The admirable animal rights activist removed hanging objects, changed shapes and paths and used her special understanding of animals to improve their environment.

Temple Grandin gives us examples to help us understand how closely autism is linked to the animal world.

Many animals behave similarly to autistic people, for example when they make loud noises. Reactions Temple herself had to alarms or storms reminded her of the animals she lived with.

Memories that scare us are indelible. Autistic people and animals such as horses often have trauma that have similar underlying causes and therefore may have similar solutions. 

Our leading actress today affirms that “all spirits are necessary”. Thoughts of autistic children and behaviors of different animal species can help find solutions for everyday life. 

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