5 Tricks To Remove Your Dog’s Hair From Clothing

If you follow the tips below, you will no longer have to worry about dog hair on your clothes.
5 tricks to remove your dog's hair from clothing

It’s no secret and one of the biggest problems dog owners face: hair on clothing. It is annoying because the hair of our four-legged friends is so difficult to remove from clothing.

But this problem can be solved very easily. You want to know how Then read on, because in this article we give you 5 tricks that will definitely help you to rid your clothes of dog hair.

duct tape

Use brushes to remove your dog's hair from clothing

Even if it sounds strange, this tip is sure to help you remove your four-legged friend’s hair from your clothes. In any case, it is the most widely used method among dog owners.

You can already imagine how this method removes the dog’s hair from your clothing: place the adhesive tape with the sticky side on the soiled garment and slowly peel it off. Be careful, as some fabrics, such as cotton or silk, can be damaged very easily if you peel off the tape too quickly.

We also recommend that you use wide tape so you can remove more hair at once.

Cold air

Just like the first tip with the tape, this method may sound a bit strange at first because it ends up being dogs and cold in one sentence. The first thing that goes into your head with this combination is the fact that our four-legged friends find low temperatures extremely uncomfortable.

However, in this case it is more about how the cold air can help us remove dog hair from our clothes. Because it causes the hair to loosen from the tissue and fall out of the clothing.

To be able to use this trick, you need a powerful blow dryer that can also produce cold air. Blow dry your laundry with cold air for at least 15 minutes. This should be enough to make the dog hair on your clothes disappear.

lint roller

This product was specially made for this purpose.  It’s one of the most effective tips for removing pet hair from clothing. As a pet owner, it is therefore very practical to always have a lint roller on hand.

You can also use the lint roller for sheets, blankets or even fabric seats in your car if your little four-legged friend has left his mark there.

Moist latex gloves

In some cases, our dogs leave a lot of hair on our clothes, which makes it very difficult to remove. The tips already mentioned or other products that you have at hand just don’t help anymore.

In such cases, latex gloves come into play. If you also moisten these with water, they are the best way to remove your pet’s hair from any item of clothing.

Yes, while it may seem unusual, the gloves you typically use when washing dishes are great for removing dog hair from clothing.

The reason for their efficiency is due to the electrical charges as soon as you moisten them. It causes the hair to stick to them and easy to pull out of clothing.

As you’ve already noticed, water is the key to success. Other things, such as cleaning rags, are also good for removing dog’s hair from clothing if they are moistened with water beforehand.

Brush your dog daily and hair on clothing is no longer a problem

Use brushes to remove your dog's hair from clothing

Dogs are beautiful creatures that require a lot of care to keep them healthy and happy. For this reason, this trick will help you to kill two birds with one stone: You will have less dog hair on your clothes and also help your dog to be healthy and happy.

Regular brushing also helps to strengthen the bond between the owner and the four-legged friend. In addition, this care prevents various diseases that can arise from a poor condition of the fur.

If you use these tricks, you will no longer have to worry about dog hair on your clothes.

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