Benefits Of Lavender Oil For Dogs

Lavender oil has many benefits for dogs: it soothes, reduces inflammation, and acts as a natural insect repellent.
Benefits of Lavender Oil for Dogs

Lavender oil is obtained from the lavender flowers, which come from a plant that is very common in the Mediterranean region. They are best known for their relaxing active ingredients.

Lavender oil can also be very useful for dogs because it acts as a natural sedative.

Properties of lavender oil

Lavender oil is one of the most famous oils because it has been used since ancient times for its various properties:

  • Reassuring.  this is its most famous effect. It makes it easier to fall asleep, relaxes muscles, and helps us reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
  • Antiseptic. Lavender contains antimicrobian properties that work against viruses and bacteria.
  • Pain relieving. Lavender oil can be used to relieve pain, especially muscle pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory. If you use this oil on an inflamed area, it will reduce the swelling.
  • Wound healing. Lavender oil can treat wounds, burns, and even acne and dermatitis.

What are the benefits of lavender oil in dogs?

  • Natural relaxant. Its aroma has relaxing properties, it helps the dog relax and rest.
  • Insect repellent. Lavender oil alone or in combination with other essential oils, such as mugwort, is a natural insect repellent due to its chemical components linalool and cuminaldehyde. A few drops on the carpet or floor will make the oil a natural barrier.
  • Reassuring. Lavender oil has a calming effect on dogs. This applies to both stress and the skin. Irritated skin from stings or dermatitis is soothed and the oil also has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect on wounds and burns.

    Dog lies relaxed on the bed

    How do you prepare the lavender oil at home?

    If we have lavender flowers at home, then we can make oil from them. The process is very simple.

    1. First you harvest the flowers and let them dry in the sun.
    2. Once dry, they are pounded with a mortar, but they should not be crushed too much.
    3. Then you heat the flowers in a vessel with hot water or another oil on a low flame for a few hours.
    4. Then pour off the oil and store it in a place protected from light.

    But the more concentrated the oil, the more you have to dilute it before use. Read the instructions on the package before using it.

    How do you use it?

    It is very important that you dilute the oil in water or other oils so as not to apply it directly to the dog’s skin. You can try it on a small patch of skin to make sure the animal isn’t allergic to the substance.

    We can just put a few drops of oil in an atomizer full of water and use it as a natural air freshener in the house, on the furniture, in the dog bed, etc … In this way we use the lavender oil as aromatherapy for the fur nose.

    We can also use the oil gently and diluted on the skin. Please avoid eyes, nose, mouth and the genital area. You can use it to give your dog gentle back and abdominal massages.

    Dog can be petted

    There are also dog shampoos and conditioners with lavender oil. You can use this when you bathe your dog. These products can be found in pet stores and veterinarians.
    Other oils have also been found useful for dogs. These include chamomile, rosemary, marjoram, myrtle heather, mint …
    However, it is important to remember that essential oils are not a substitute for medical treatment and veterinary diagnosis and that we must use them appropriately.

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