How Do I Make My Dog’s Dry Food Tasty?

Don’t give him too much snacks, wet food, or human food so he doesn’t spurn his dry food.
How do I make my dog's dry food tasty?

What can I do to get my dog ​​to eat his  dry food  ? Many dog ​​owners ask themselves this question. Dogs usually like to eat a lot, but every now and then they can do something and express special requests.

Why does my fur nose disdain her dry food?

That is the first question we should ask about this problem. Sometimes it is a little difficult to find the answer. Often, however, this is related to changes in diet.

This is especially true if you’ve done this very suddenly. It is also possible  that your dog does not like the brand. Many animals do not eat cheap feed.

Usually this is not the main cause. However, cheap dry food is usually not healthy.

It may taste good because it contains flavors, but you are doing your dog’s health a disservice.

Try not to skimp on your four-pawed friend’s diet and invest in good quality dry food.

This fur nose prefers snacks to their dry food

You should also make sure that your dog does not refuse food because of illness. Better take him to the vet then.

If it’s not because you’ve changed your diet and you’re seeing other symptoms such as behavioral changes, then there may well be an illness behind his loss of appetite.

How do I get my dog ​​to eat their dry food?

You should slowly incorporate the dry food into their diet. Please make sure that it is high quality food.

First, you should cut down on snacks, homemade foods, or moist foods. If you’ve fed your dog this way up until now, just mix a little dry food with his or her normal food.

You also have to calculate how much food your dog needs and offer it to him in at least two daily servings, which he receives at fixed times. Best in the morning and in the evening.

After half an hour, take the bowl away, even if it hasn’t eaten. Then just repeat this process the next day.

The right feeding bowl also plays a role

Tips and advice to keep your dog eating their dry food

It usually works best if you moisten the dry food with a little lukewarm water or chicken broth. He likes that especially in winter!

If you spoil him with chicken broth, however, please make sure that it does not contain any substances harmful to dogs, such as salt or onions.

Don’t give him any more scraps of food. This will not only reduce the risk of accidentally poisoning him, but also help him accept his dry food.

Don’t overdo it with the treats and rewards, either. Logically, he prefers that of his dry food.

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