At Home Alone – How Long Is That Possible?

No dog likes to be alone because it was naturally born a pack animal. In our article we tell you more about this important topic.
At home alone - how long is it possible?

Unfortunately it is still not possible to take our dogs everywhere with you. Therefore, it is fundamental that we take care of their well-being when we have to leave home for some time. In today’s article, we’re going to discuss how long you can leave a dog alone without affecting its health and behavior.

How long can a dog stay alone  ?

Being alone is boring and stressful.

First of all, we must emphasize that there is no single correct answer to this question. After all, every dog ​​is an individual with its own needs. In general, veterinarians and dog trainers talk about a “healthy maximum time” of between six and eight hours a day.

However, it all depends on age, health and upbringing. One should keep in mind that puppies and old dogs are more susceptible. Therefore, they need almost constant attention.

Every dog ​​must first learn to deal with being alone in a positive way so that behavioral problems can be avoided. The education and training of our dog can help us here.

However, one must fundamentally differentiate between how long a dog can be left alone and how long it is healthy and beneficial for the dog. Biologically speaking, the animal can do without the presence of its owner for days. However, that does not mean that this is an optimal state for his physical and mental health.

When we adopt a dog, we also take on the responsibility to offer it the best possible quality of life. It is therefore important to check whether our life is really compatible with the needs of a dog.  Finally, there are other pets that require less time and attention, such as hamsters.

Can an adult dog be left alone all day?

As we’ve seen before, leaving the dog alone for more than eight hours isn’t really ideal. The absence of a master or mistress is not recommended in order to raise a healthy, four-pawed friend. Not only do they need our care, they also need our company to feel safe, happy and comfortable in their home.

Dogs are social animals that have to interact with other living things. This is the only way to fully develop their emotional and cognitive abilities.  Longer solitude is not recommended at all.

If your dog is home alone all day, he is not spending time with other living things. Because of this, his social urge is only insufficiently satisfied. This can lead to symptoms of grief and behavioral disorders.

Additionally , dogs that spend a lot of time alone often have less active lives. This can be detrimental to the physical and mental health of our most loyal companions.

Too little exercise and physical activity quickly leads to obesity and the diseases associated with it, such as diabetes, heart disease and joint problems.

If our dogs do not have enough variety and exercise, then their intelligence and mental abilities are not adequately promoted either. Thus, various behavioral problems that can be traced back to stress and boredom can develop. In the worst cases, the dogs even suffer from separation anxiety.

So it happens that many dogs behave destructively when their owners go out. They break objects, nibble on furniture, rummage through the trash can or destroy a pair of shoes. This type of behavior clearly shows that the dog has never been taught to be alone.

Tips to safely leave your dog alone for a while

Of course, nowadays we all have to be out of the house for a few hours every day. And of course we should work and do our duties so that we can provide a good quality of life for our families and pets.

Destructive behavior due to loneliness.

Below are some guidelines. This is how you can leave your dog alone for a few hours while he quietly waits for you to return:

  • Increase Daily Physical Activity:  Dogs need daily exercise so that they can burn energy, maintain a healthy weight, and display balanced behavior. If your dog is left alone for a while, take long walks with him before departure and after arrival.
  • Make his environment more interesting:  so your fur nose can keep busy while you are away.
  • A variety of interactive toys can be found at pet stores that will stimulate your dog’s body and mind. For example, Kong is a great choice for increasing your dog’s intelligence and reducing stress.
  • Spend time with your dog:  Even if we leave him alone for a few hours every day, it is still necessary to always reserve some time for our dog.
  • When you get home, you should take your dog for a walk so that he can move and interact with other dogs. It is just as important to give the fur nose attention and petting, so that our relationship with it is strengthened.

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