Dangers Of Changing Fur In Cats

Whether it has short or long hair, your cat will lose a large amount of hair when it changes its coat. Here you will find tips to prevent danger.
Dangers of changing fur in cats

The change of coat in cats is part of their natural life cycle. We can’t prevent it, but we can be prepared to avoid problems.

This period is very dangerous for your cat. We’ll tell you why and what you can do about it.

What are the dangers of changing fur in cats?

Whether it has short or long hair, your cat will lose a large amount of hair when it changes its coat.

This hair will appear in the most impossible places, even where your cat won’t be around. And even then, there is still a considerable amount of loose hair left on her body. This can be dangerous.

The hairballs represent a great danger for the cat and therefore we would like to point out that you have to be very careful when cats change their coat .

The dangers of hairballs

The hairballs can cause constipation, gastritis, obstruction, or intestinal paralysis. These are very serious problems that could cause even bigger problems for your pet.

Hairballs are a danger when cats change their coat

Not all cats produce hairballs in their stomachs, as these are most commonly produced in cats who do not defecate well or have a bowel problem .

Even if you care deeply about your pet, it can still be difficult to determine.

The way to get rid of them is by vomiting. So if you see your cat vomiting hairballs, don’t hesitate and take her to the vet immediately.

Changing fur in cats: how can you help?

There are a few things you can do for your cat to avoid this inconvenience.

  • Precaution. You can collect some feces from your cat and have it checked by the vet. You can also order a bowel analysis. This will ensure that everything is in order in your digestive system and that there won’t be any major problems with the hairballs.
  • Brush them daily. Regardless of whether or not the cat is changing its coat, you should brush your cat daily  to remove the loose hair and reduce the risk.
  • Give her laxatives. If you think your cat may have hairballs despite your best efforts, there are certain natural herbs that will help her evacuate them.  Talk to your vet so they can recommend some for you.
  • Watch your diet. Remember, a healthy diet is always good for your body. While this doesn’t solve the problem of hairballs, it can still bring relief.

The change of coat in cats not only forces you to clean your home frequently and thoroughly, you also have to observe and guarantee the health of your velvet paw. But don’t worry, with a little interest, patience and care, changing fur in cats is not a problem.

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