How To Help The Bitch Give Birth

It is something very special to experience the miracle of birth, be it with a person or an animal. In this article we explain how you can help your dog give birth.
How to help the bitch give birth

There is something very special to witness the miracle of childbirth, be it in a person or an animal. If we are also in an emotional connection to the new mother, the joy is of course all the greater. That is why it is one of the most beautiful events of our life to see our bitch give birth .

In the following article we will give you some tips so that you can not only stay a spectator, but also help your dog give birth  and enjoy the moment together.

How do you know that the bitch is about to give birth?

Bitches behave very differently from humans during childbirth,  so don’t expect loud noises to announce that the puppies are about to be born.

We understand that you may not be quite sure when the big moment is coming, so here are some signs that will help us understand that the birth is imminent:

Bitch and puppy

  • Dig in the ground.  Not every bitch acts this way, but it is a very common behavior. The bitches dig a hole in the ground so that they have a warm, cozy place from which the puppies cannot escape so quickly.
  • The bitch expels milk through her mammary glands.  When a bitch is about to give birth, milk usually oozes from the mammary glands. This is how she shows that she is ready to give birth.
  • Loss of appetite. Shortly before they are born, the puppies move around a lot in their mother’s womb. Because of this, the bitch may suffer from nausea and lose her appetite as a result.
  • Vomit. The movements of the unborn puppies can even cause vomiting. This is not a cause for alarm, the bitch just needs rest and affection so that she does not feel alone.
  • Serenity. When the bitch is about to give birth, she will lie down, be very calm and possibly gasp a few short breaths. It is important to provide your water, as adequate hydration is essential at these moments.

How can you help your dog give birth?

When the time comes when you realize the puppies are approaching, you should help your dog give birth. How does it work?

  • Prepare a quiet place for them.  Prepare a secluded spot for the dog a few weeks before the birth. She should feel comfortable and safe there in a pleasant atmosphere. If you have other pets, they should be able to get into the dog’s place. Show her this place and when you notice the signals described above, help her to get to her place.
  • You shouldn’t intervene during labor unless it’s absolutely necessary.  The mother gives birth to the pups and it does not matter whether they are born head first or bottom first – both are normal. Then the mother cleans the placenta and chews the umbilical cord.

When your support is needed

There are the puppies, where is the bitch?

  • If for whatever reason the mother can’t tear the bag that each and every puppy is born in, then you should help her with it. Gently tear it up and put the puppy back with its mother.
  • You can also help when the mother starts licking her pups’ placenta to clean them.  If a large number of puppies have been born, you can support the mother with a soft, damp cloth.
  • The puppies are born approximately every 30 minutes. If you notice that after this period no more will be born, but you are sure that there are more puppies in the bitch, then call the vet.  If the opposite happens and the bitch continues to go into labor after all of the puppies have been born, you should also call the vet.
  • Watch the pups.  It often happens that a puppy dies a few minutes or hours after it is born. The mother cannot do much in these cases, but you can. If you notice that one of the puppies is not breathing, clean their mouths and gently rub their bodies. Maybe he’ll come back to life. If you fail to do this, remove him from the dog bed so that the mother does not eat him and the other 17 pups do not approach him to sniff him.

    When the birthing process is over, check that the bitch is not rejecting any puppies and that they are feeding everyone equally. Give the bitch good quality food so she can stay strong and look after her pups.

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