What You Should Know About Breeding Snails At Home

One should imitate the natural habitat of the snail as much as possible. So they live longer and reproduce more easily.
What you should know about breeding snails at home

You may be a fan of these animals, or you may want to eat them or resell them as food. However, there are a few things you need to know about home snail farming before you start.

Snails have turned into a profitable business since the chefs of this world prepare them as a gourmet meal.

Information about the snail

Snails have always existed in the human world. They were not always just considered food, but also gods in artistic movements and traditions. They were even used in medicine.

These are molluscs that are also classified as pelvic insects. Their body is covered by a house that serves as a shelter. Even if they don’t have paws, the part of their body that they creep on is called their foot.

There are two tentacles on her head. Many think that is how they see, but this is about feeling. They use the two smaller tentacles to smell.

Some love them and others can’t even look at them. However, if you are one of the lovers of these beings, then we will tell you more about snail farming and everything you need to know about this topic.

Breeding snails at home

Find an appropriate place

A sufficiently large terrarium is best for breeding snails so that the number of animals you want to keep can move around freely.

One made of glass that you can cover with a grille is particularly suitable.

Information about the snail

Earth in the terrarium

You should cover the floor of the terrarium with garden soil so that the snails can move around and do their little business without any problems.

With this you are simply trying to imitate the natural habitat of the snails. The more similar to their actual habitat, the more comfortable the animals feel. Logically, they live longer and reproduce more easily.


You have to put a few stones in the terrarium. This is not only done so that the snails can climb, but also because they need calcium, which allows their organism to function properly.

Find the right snails

If you want to breed snails to resell, the first thing you need to know is that not all species of snails are safe for human consumption.

By the way, snails are hermaphrodites, so you don’t have to worry about males and females because they don’t exist.

Despite their gender, they must mate to reproduce. It is enough to put them together in the terrarium. You then choose the right partner yourself.

Humidity in the terrarium

Snails need a high level of humidity. Not only do they need this to survive, but also to make the mucus. The humidity in the terrarium should be 100%. You can do this by repeatedly moistening the earth.

The temperature in the terrarium should be around 20 degrees. You can either place it near the window to let the sun’s rays heat it or use a thermostat.

The diet of the snails

Diet of snails

Snails are herbivores and can feed on any plant. However, they prefer aromatic herbs such as thyme, basil or rosemary. You don’t even have to get them a bowl of food. It is enough to put the herbs on the ground in the terrarium.

However, if they wilt, you should remove them. The snails will no longer eat them and the herbs may start to smell bad.

And? Are you ready now to farm snails at home?

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