Dog Breeds That Suffer Particularly From Heat

Some people are more sensitive to heat than others. It’s the same with dogs too. Find out today which dog breeds are particularly suffering and how you can bring relief to them.
Breeds of dogs that suffer particularly from heat

With the arrival of summer, the high temperatures and heat are particularly strenuous and stressful for some dog breeds. Today we’re telling you how you can give them a little relief.

There are people who are more sensitive to heat than others. Our pets also experience climate changes and the changing seasons. And just like with humans, there are also some breeds of dogs that suffer particularly from heat and have a really hard time in the summer.

You can find out which ones are here.

These dog breeds particularly suffer from the heat

The arrival of summer does not go unnoticed by anyone, including our pets. However, many dog ​​owners make the mistake of spending more time outdoors with their dogs. However, this is not equally healthy and beneficial for all dog breeds.

Although there are breeds that are adapted to the tropical climate, there are also dogs that suffer from heat. Therefore, you should be careful in high temperatures and protect your dog. For example, you can trim his fur, leave him in a chilled room, or bathe him more often.

1. English bulldog

One problem with brachycephalic breeds is that they have difficulty breathing. Therefore, they particularly suffer from extreme heat in summer. The English Bulldog is prone to heat shock due to the shape of their head and their inability to adequately cool their bodies.

Therefore, you should make sure that your bulldog is always in a cool and airy place or in a shady spot. You should of course also provide your dog with sufficient water. If you want to travel with your dog, you should also consider this when choosing a travel destination.

2. Chow chows cannot tolerate heat

The main problem with this blue-tongue lion-like dog is its fur. Originally it was kept in snowy and cool areas, so it also has a double layer of fat.

Chow chows don't like heat

And what’s worse, he immediately suffers from the heat. Even if it is brushed!

Many dog ​​owners shave their Chow Chows in the summer. However, you should know that this can also be harmful to your health. If your dog is in the sun, he will not be able to lower his body temperature and he will also suffer skin burns if he is no longer fur.

Therefore, you should only shorten the fur of your four-legged friend. Make sure that he only stays in the shade if possible and that he has enough water available.

3. Pekingese

This breed has two main characteristics that make it particularly sensitive to heat. On the one hand, the Pekingese has a brachycephalic, short nose, making it difficult to breathe. In addition, it also has a thick coat, but it becomes thinner when summer comes.

Pekingese suffer from extreme heat

If you want to prevent your Pekingese from developing heat stroke, you shouldn’t take him for a walk during the particularly hot hours of the day. Also, you shouldn’t exercise too much with him. Excessive exertion harms his heart and, in the worst case, could lead to death.

4. Bernese Mountain Dogs suffer particularly from the heat

This large dog from the Swiss Alps suffers the most from the heat, mainly due to its woolly hair. This breed was bred to herd sheep or goats in the snow. If he does not live in his natural habitat, he suffers a lot.

Bernese Mountain Dog doesn't like heat

All breeds with long, thick fur such as the Bernese Mountain Dog or St. Bernard are not recommended for places with high temperatures. Even if you cut its fur, it will not be able to cool down properly because of its layer of fat.

5. Pomeranian

The last one on the list of dogs suffering the most from the heat comes from Poland, although its ancestors are from Finland. The Pomeranian is small and has a lot of fur – also a kind of lion’s mane – and therefore prefers to sleep on cool surfaces even in winter.


In addition, this breed has sensitive skin. As a result, these animals often suffer from dermatitis and eczema.

These can be triggered by staying in the sun. In addition, you should not use water to cool these animals down when they are in the sun, as this can also cause eczema and skin irritation.

In addition to these dog breeds, there are others that also suffer a lot in summer or at high temperatures. For example the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the Boxer, the Pug, the Shih Tzu and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

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