A Rescued Lioness Returns To Africa

Nala, the lioness rescued from the circus has returned to Africa thanks to the AAP Primadomus rescue center in Alicante.
A rescued lioness returns to Africa

Nala is a rescued lioness who was fortunately rescued from a circus where she was mistreated.

The lioness rescued from the circus has returned to Africa thanks to the AAP Primadomus rescue center in Alicante . Nala’s case is another example of the need to rescue wild animals from circuses.

Primadomus and the rescue

Primadomus is a center of the Dutch NGO AAP, whose aim is to combat the illegal trade in exotic species.

In this case we are talking about the center of Villena, which is one of the three primate shelters in Spain that also welcomes big cats like Nala.

Interestingly, this center is not always the last home for rescued animals as they work with other animal shelters and zoos that are hosting rehabilitated animals. This will allow the center to host more victims of illegal trafficking.

Rescued in France, this lioness led a life similar to that of other cats that participate in circus shows.

After the closure of an illegal farm in the Gaulish country, Nala was confiscated along with other cats  and fortunately ended up in the rescue center in Alicante.


The story of Nala, a rescued lioness

Nala is another of the many cases of wild animals in the circus. The problem with these types of shows is that they are not educational. And you keep the animals in terrible condition as these shows travel from one place to another.

In addition, this situation is dangerous for both humans and animals. The “feats” can cause fear in the animals.

However, the story of Nala does not end in Alicante as it was recently brought to South Africa.

The Lionsrock Center was waiting for her to try to match her with Saeed, a lion rescued from a zoo in Aleppo that was devastated during the war in Syria.

The need to do away with animal circuses

The history of circuses in Europe is long and painful. The rejection of these types of shows with animals is growing in society.

Although the shows go on and it is still possible to see lions threatened with whips or a monkey in clothes performing tricks.

Cases like this rescued lioness are becoming more common as many countries prohibit circuses with animals.

Nala lioness

Zoos and circuses

Life is not the same for the animals in a circus as it is in a zoo. Zoos are constantly checked and have to meet higher animal welfare standards.

In addition, some of the animals also take part in conservation programs. For example, the reintroduction of threatened cats is planned in a Russian zoo.

In zoos there are also educational programs about species protection as well as specialized veterinary services. In the case of circuses, this does not happen and it is common for animals to be treated in veterinary clinics that have never worked with this type of animal.

In addition, circuses have no educational background, in addition to the fact that the animals have very little space available and that they are constantly on the move.

Although both zoos and circuses train animals, in zoos they receive stress-free treatments. Whereas in circuses they are forced to engage in unnatural behavior that scares them and they are punished for doing something “wrong”.

In fact, zoos along with centers like Prima Domus are required to save the hundreds of wildlife that are still kept in circuses across Europe.

With the increasing rejection of this activity, these animals are being enabled a worthy retreat from the abuse they have suffered in the course of their lives.

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