Natural Food For Pets

Fruits, vegetables and certain dried fruits as well as animal protein are very healthy for four-legged friends such as dogs and cats, but you have to be careful so that they do not ingest too much fat or choke themselves on bones or small bones. 
Natural food for pets

We are what we eat and so are our pets. The feed must contain all the necessary nutrients and should be as balanced as possible. Natural feed  without additives, preservatives or other chemicals is particularly recommended, but it must be taken into account that the pet is actually getting everything it needs.

But which foods can be used for  natural feed  ?

Natural food for pets

We have reported several times about the BARF diet for dogs and cats. Animals also need high-quality feed in order to stay fit and healthy for as long as possible. It is worthwhile to avoid artificial additives, but you also have to make sure that all the necessary nutrients are present in the feed.

Many fruits and vegetables are also beneficial and beneficial for  pets,  but not all. Today’s article is about natural foods that you can easily prepare yourself. Your dog or cat will love it!

natural food for dogs and cats

Which foods are healthy for dogs and cats?


Many ready-made products for dogs and cats contain chicken as their main ingredient, but you can use it to prepare your own natural food that is  high in animal protein. Don’t forget, however, that the meat must always be cooked! Do not use salt or oil for this.

natural food for dogs: vegetables and chicken

Dogs and cats love chicken. However, you have to remove the bones before you  feed the meat to your four-legged friend, otherwise he could choke  on it.


Not only cats, dogs also love fish. This provides a lot of protein and valuable fatty acids, which are very healthy for four-legged friends. The fish must be cooked without oil or salt. Don’t forget to remove the bones!

natural food for dogs: fish

Fruit and rice

Rice or pasta in combination with certain vegetables are also a good change that your dog or cat will enjoy. However, you have to do without garlic and onion! Tomato sauce is also not a good idea, as it usually contains a lot of sugar,  which is not healthy for pets.

natural food for dogs: strawberries

Dogs and cats also tend to like apples and bananas very much. However, you cannot feed them grapes or raisins, cherries, currants or avocados.


Milk is not only tasty for cats, many dogs also enjoy it. When you eat yogurt, your pet may come to beg or lick the leftovers in the cup. You should only give your four-legged friend yogurt now and then in small amounts,  perhaps as a small reward or to entice them to feed. 

natural food for dog


Many vegetables are very healthy not only for ourselves but also for our pets. Even so, it shouldn’t be the main ingredient,  because dogs and cats need a lot of animal protein from meat and fish. However, you can always mix some vegetables with the meat, this will taste particularly good for your furry friend.

natural food for dogs: vegetables

Vegetables must also always be cooked well so that the animal can easily chew them.


Do you love peanuts? Then don’t forget your dog or cat, because  they love peanuts too! However, since they are high in fat, you should only give them to your furball every now and then. How about some homemade cookies with peanuts as the main ingredient? Pamper your dog or cat with it!

It’s best to use peanut butter and flour, add a little water and use it to form small cookies. Then bake them in the oven at 180ÂșC. Your four-legged friend will love these cookies!

As you can see, it is very easy to prepare natural food for your four-legged friend. Your dog or cat will benefit greatly from  this as it will prevent them from consuming preservatives or other unhealthy ingredients.

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