Keeping Horses In A Horse Box Or Open Stable?

A combination of both could be the perfect solution for humans and animals. It offers freedom of movement against obesity and protection against cold, rain or snow in the winter season.
Keeping horses in a horse box or open stable?

With the onset of low temperatures, many horse owners wonder whether they should keep their horses in a  horse box or in an open stable. We summarize the advantages and disadvantages of both options. In addition, we give some advice on the design of the horse stable.

Horse box or open stable: advantages and disadvantages

On the one hand  , keeping horses in an open stable supports the horses’ natural way of life and at the same time gives them a lot of freedom. It should always be kept in mind that horses are steppe animals that walk many kilometers in the wild every day.

The fact that we keep and train them in a  horse box or in an open stable does not change either their nature or their natural needs.

Keeping horses in an open stable makes it much easier to avoid being overweight and to enable the daily necessary movement .

Robust horse breeds that were not bred for sport are more prone to obesity and the diseases that come with it.

But keeping horses in an open stable also poses a health risk for horses. In many countries, winter brings unfavorable conditions for the wellbeing of horses. In addition, horses in open stables are more likely to be attacked by predators in certain areas.

Horse box or open stable: movement is an important aspect.

While most horses can adapt well to extreme cold, this should not be taken for granted.

Horses come from temperate climates, so very low temperatures and adverse weather conditions can affect their health.

When keeping horses, we have to offer them optimal conditions for their health. So in areas with freezing winters, stables need to be built where they are safe and protected.

Horse box or open stable: where should horses be kept?

In their natural habitat, horses live outdoors and can move around whenever they want. You can also protect yourself there from climatic adversities such as rain, wind, snow or extreme cold. Horses would also seek refuge in the wild.

Therefore , horses should always be left outdoors when the weather conditions are favorable. This enables us to offer them freedom without endangering their health and wellbeing.

Tips for designing the stable

As you can see,  horses have to be stabled all year round to protect them and keep them healthy. The stable must be carefully and well thought-out to create optimal conditions for the horses.

Horse box or open stable: both should be kept clean.

1. Check condition and structure

Before winter, it is essential to check the condition of the barn and make sure that it is suitable for housing the animals. When inspecting the roof, one should look for any cracks or holes that could allow water or drafts in.

The stable must offer enough space for all horses to sleep and eat. This space should be warm, clean, dry, and well ventilated to prevent moisture and mold. You can also stock up on very old or sick horses.

2. Cleanliness is important

In addition to the good structure, the horse stable must always be kept clean. Daily cleaning is essential to prevent the accumulation of dirt and food residues and the associated multiplication of microorganisms.

The stall must also be well ventilated to combat mold and bacteria. In winter or in very rainy times, the humidity is higher. Therefore you have to be attentive and check the cleanliness of the stables daily.

3. Food and water in winter

The horses should have a  balanced diet and a good supply of water, especially in the event of illness . Horses need more feed in winter. Your body needs to have an energy reserve to keep the metabolism active and to maintain thermoregulation.

The fluid supply is also an important point in the cold season. Horses in a horse box or in an open stable should always have fresh, clean water within easy reach.

The drinking trough must be protected from the weather to prevent it from getting dirty or freezing.

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