Did You Know That Dogs Hate Hugs?

A new study found that dogs seem to hate hugs. But what are the reasons for this? And how can you tell if your dog is uncomfortable when you hug him? We’ll tell you more below.
Did you know that dogs hate hugs?

It is not easy to suppress the urge to hug your pet because most of the time, they just look great (especially small and young animals). They are irresistible, so we just want to shower them with our hugs! Unfortunately, dogs seem to hate hugs, according to a new study. Find out more about the topic and what it’s all about below.

Studies show that dogs hate hugs

The study, conducted by Psychology Today , aimed to show how dogs feel when they are hugged. For the study, the researchers simply took photos of around 250 dogs while their owners were hugging them. These photos revealed the animals’ body language and their emotions were clearly visible.

The importance of dog body language

The importance of dog body language

Dogs cannot express themselves verbally like us humans and therefore look for other ways of communication, either with humans or with other dogs. A dog’s form of communication is its body language, whereby it can express its feelings at any time through looks and gestures. We can even tell whether an animal is stressed or afraid from body language. Find out below how a dog uses his body language to convey his discomfort.

Ears turned back

When a dog’s ears turn back, it is a sign of discomfort, nervousness, and fear. He doesn’t like something and this is his way of showing it.

Tongue out

If a dog’s ears are pointed back, his mouth is open, and he is sticking his tongue out, there is no doubt that your dog is stressed. In this case, better let go of your dog and give him some space until he has calmed down.

Trembling is a sign that dogs hate hugs

If your dog is shaking while you hug him, it is because he is feeling anxious and uncomfortable. Your dog wants you to stop what you are doing because he doesn’t understand what is going on. So shaking is also a sign that dogs don’t like hugs .

Curl up in a ball

If you call your dog and he’ll curl up in a ball in the corner of the house and then look at you out of the corner of his eye, you’d better leave him alone. He is telling you: “I need my space.” A hug is definitely not a good idea in this case.


Whether you have him on your arm or not, when your dog squirms, he wants you to leave him alone and stop what you are doing. Let him lie on the floor and keep a little distance from the animal.

Dogs Hate Hugs: Study Facts

Now that you understand the importance of dog body language, we want to show you why this study found that dogs hate hugs. The photos obviously showed all of the various gestures the animals made while their owners hugged them.

  • The study showed that dogs hate hugs because 81.6% of the dogs observed in the study showed some of the above signs of anxiety, fear, and nervousness while being hugged.

One study concluded that dogs hate hugs

  • Only 7.6% of dogs seemed comfortable with hugs (perhaps the breed, the time they spent with their master, or the special bond they developed between them may have an impact on this outcome).
  • Approximately 10% of the dogs behaved neutrally while being hugged.

The percentage difference was overwhelming and allowed researchers to claim that dogs hate hugs. But what reasons does the author of this study give to justify that dogs hate hugs?

Well, Stanley Coren shows that dogs are cursory animals. This means that their bodies, brains, instincts, and impulses are designed to run and be in motion. A hug immobilizes the dog, which makes them feel trapped and unable to do what they really want: move and run.

As you can see, if you love your dog, you shouldn’t hug your dog! Ironic, isn’t it!

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