Airplane Pilot Saves Dog Lives

Simba was the only dog ​​that traveled on that plane. When the airplane pilot found out that the dog was in danger, he never doubted doing anything.
Airplane pilot saves dog lives

We love true stories with happy endings. Today is about an  airplane pilot who  saved a dog’s life. Some people are brave and never doubt for a moment when it comes to saving a life. This story will be very close to you. Read on to learn more about it.

Simba and the airplane pilot

This  airplane pilot  works for Air Canada. At the moment of the accident, the pilot was on a flight from Tel Aviv (Israel) to Toronto (Canada). In the luggage compartment between suitcases was the beautiful French bulldog Simba.

The dog owner was traveling in the passenger compartment with his friends, believing he knew his beloved pet safe. But he did not yet know that there was a serious problem.

Simba was the only dog ​​that traveled on that plane. When the airplane pilot found out that the dog was in danger, he never doubted doing anything.

Simba in danger

During the flight there was a warning that the temperature in the luggage compartment suddenly rose and could not be stopped. This put Simba in danger, who could have choked on it.

The luggage was unimportant in this case, but the French Bulldog was in danger of death!

What would you have done as an airplane pilot in this situation? Some might have thought that it was just one animal and that only one animal in the luggage compartment was at risk. But that would have been selfish and irresponsible. However, Simba was lucky that the airplane pilot had a big heart and acted immediately.

When he was informed of the problem with the rising temperature in the luggage compartment, he directed the flight to Frankfurt to rescue the animal and transport it on another plane. The dog owner wouldn’t be on the same plane, but they assured him that they would fly his loyal friend to Canada around the same time. It was always supervised.

The stopover in Frankfurt resulted in a 75-minute delay,  which led to various reactions among the passengers. But in general these were positive. Most passengers understood that such a threatened life could be saved.

Flugzeugpilot rettet Hund
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Simba is saved

Kontorovich, the owner of Simba, did not know how to thank the airplane pilot who had saved his loyal companion. “He’s like a child to me, he’s my family, my everything. If something had happened to him, I would have died of sadness ”- says Kontorovich with tears in his eyes.

The stopover in Frankfurt certainly cost the airline a lot of money. But most assure you that it was the right decision. One flight expert mentions that “the aircraft pilot is responsible for every life on board, regardless of whether it is human or animal”.

The airplane pilot who saved Simba is a hero to us because it was up to him to make the right decision. Always with the animal’s welfare in mind, he acted to save his life and get Simba to Toronto safe and sound. Shortly after landing, its owner was able to receive it.

We are sure that while the airline lost money, it was through this feat that they achieved the best free publicity. In the end, everyone benefited from it.

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