Catching Wild Animals: Chamois

In this article, we will explain some of the methods used to capture wildlife
Wildlife catch: chamois

The capture of wild animals is not an aim in itself, but a measure to regulate the game population. It is also used for the resettlement or relocation of animals and is also used for research purposes.

Wildlife catching: the chamois

Chemical methods

In teleanesthesia, an anesthetic pharmaceutical is administered remotely. This is usually done intramuscularly with arrows fired from rifles, pistols, crossbows, or blowguns (all specialized weapons).

Various anesthetic combinations have been used in catching wild ungulates . However, there is still no perfect means to achieve this.

Physical methods

There are many different methods of catching fish, but none is perfect and works in all cases.


These are cords or ropes made of nylon that close around one of the animal’s limbs when it activates the mechanism. These traps are usually set up where herds pass by.

Image source: Herrero J, Escudero E, Fernández de Luco D, García-González R. EL SARRIO PIRENAICO

Vertical nets for catching wild animals

For fishing with vertical nets, a net that is about two meters high and 50 meters long is used. Then the animals are hunted by a driven hunt in the direction of the network that has already been set up. Sometimes the nets are also used to catch chamois on their natural migrations without hunting them first.

Netz für den Fang von Wildtieren
Image source: Herrero J, Escudero E, Fernández de Luco D, García-González R. EL SARRIO PIRENAICO

Cage traps

These are boxes of different sizes made of metal or wood. You can have a single door, but it is better if you have two. The chamois are less reluctant to step into the cage when they see a way out on the other side.

Image source: Herrero J, Escudero E, Fernández de Luco D, García-González R. EL SARRIO PIRENAICO

Salt stones are recommended to attract the chamois. The trap is usually released automatically by a compression spring.

Fall nets for catching chamois

Fall nets are square or round – they cover a variable surface – and hang from sticks from a certain height. Here, too, bait is used to attract the chamois. Once they are under the net, it is dropped.

Image source: Herrero J, Escudero E, Fernández de Luco D, García-González R. EL SARRIO PIRENAICO


These consist of hanging nets, but they are also made of metal or wood. When the animals you want to catch are inside the fence, a user activates the trap.

Einzäunung für den Fang von Wildtieren
Image source: Herrero J, Escudero E, Fernández de Luco D, García-González R. EL SARRIO PIRENAICO

Cannon nets

These are nets that are driven by a series of pipes and weighed down with weights. If you activate the mechanism, they pull the net behind them, fly over the chamois and catch them.

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