Why Does This Cat Have Its Own Statue In Istanbul?

Today we tell you about Tombili, a very special cat.
Why does this cat have its own statue in Istanbul?

It is said that cats have seven lives, but it seems like there are some who never die. For example the case of Tombili, a famous cat who has her own statue in Istanbul. Would you like to know why this is the case?

It’s nice to see that there are still cat lovers and even entire cities that are cat friendly. Some even go so far as to dedicate a statue to the house tigers in order to pay homage to them.

Istanbul is known for taking very good care of its street cats. Hundreds of velvet paws roam the city streets,  but we’ll tell you about that in another article. Today we better focus on Tombili.

Tombili, the famous cat with its own statue

This cat, like so many others who inhabit this town, was a street kitty. But it had a peculiarity that put a smile on the face of all passers-by. It had to do with how the cat sat. Do you remember the scene where Cleopatra leaned back on her divan while the slaves fed her grapes?

Well, that was exactly the pose Tombili preferred to use when she sat down. It didn’t matter whether she sat on a bench, the curb, or a staircase, it always remained the same pose. The locals had already got used to seeing the velvet paw solemnly leaning back. Even if they always smiled about it, it didn’t seem special to them anymore.

Tombili becomes famous

One day, however, everything changed for Tombili. That day, a tourist snapped a photo of her leaning against a staircase. He uploaded the photo to social media and it went viral in minutes. At a later date, hundreds of Tombili memes were circling the internet.

It’s true that her pose is very funny. Her obesity made it all funnier. The strange poses of overweight cats are one of the most popular topics on the internet.

Tombili, the famous cat with its own statue, dies

Statue of the cat

Unfortunately , Tombili died in 2016 after a long and serious illness. The news spread throughout the city through posters saying it would never be forgotten. “You live on in our hearts” read the posters.

To keep its promise, the city paid homage to the cat by having a statue made of the animal in its favorite pose. It was installed on one of the velvet paw’s favorite benches and is now a popular attraction for tourists.

Those who have come to know Tombili alive assure that the statue is exactly like them. Not only that, but many people bring food, tea, and water almost daily to feed them.

Even if it is obviously other cats that are consuming the water and food, the locals prefer to believe that the spirit of Tombili is still nearby, feeding on the gifts. What damage can that cause?

Animals that became famous thanks to the social networks

Tombili isn’t the only animal known from the internet. There are many who have turned into real stars for a variety of reasons. For example:

  • Hachicko. There’s even a movie about him and just like Tombili, he has his own statue. The Japanese dedicated it to him because he showed so much unconditional loyalty to his master.
  • Pancho. This Chihuahua puppy is practicing yoga with its owner. He is famous and now has his own channel on Youtube.
  • Pumpking. The raccoon believes he is a dog and his adventures make internet users laugh. He even has his own Facebook and Instagram page.
  • Ronaldog. This dog is a complete professional soccer player and does the most incredible things with his ball. Maybe one day we’ll see him play with the big guys.

Image source: Tombilis Facebook page

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