The Upbringing Of The German Shepherd: An Incredible Dog

Despite their intelligence, this is a breed that needs a caregiver who is a clear leader to them, socialization with other dogs, perseverance, and positive reinforcement. This is how you avoid aggressive or destructive behavior.
The upbringing of the German Shepherd: an incredible dog

The German Shepherd Dog is very popular as a pet around the world. His character, his intelligence and his ability to learn transform him into a very easy to care for and easy to train animal. Are you considering adopting one? Then learn more about the upbringing of the German Shepherd in our article .

Tips for raising the German Shepherd Dog

Even if it is true that the German shepherd dog is a very obedient and easy to train animal, you have to train him from an early age due to his size and strength so that he does not even try to become a pack leader.

Teach him submission

This is one of the most basic steps in any dog ​​training. We have stated many times that dogs need a leader. If you don’t find it, then you take over the role of the pack leader and the command.

You should raise him with love and perseverance and let him understand what place he has in your family.

He should not only recognize you as the pack leader, but also accept that all members of the immediate family are above him and that he must therefore obey them.

In order to achieve this, all family members have to agree on the rules around the dog. Otherwise you could confuse him.

He can be made to accept his role as a pet by entering last, receiving food after the family has eaten, having his own place to sleep, and taking him for walks at certain times.


Big dogs need more exercise than smaller ones. The German shepherd in particular has to channel his energy and get rid of boredom .

If he does not have enough exercise he could display aggressive or destructive behavior.

Shepherd dog runs across a meadow with children

On the other hand, the exercise also has a positive effect on his health. It promotes blood circulation, strengthens muscles and joints, and also supports bone health.


If you want a dog who is friendly to other dogs and people and who develops healthy relationships, it is essential that you socialize them early on.

One of the characteristics of this breed is their high self-esteem, which is why they sometimes think they are better than others and then treat them aggressively.

If you notice this attitude in your dog, then the problem is at the root. Otherwise your dog could become anti-social and that will give you a lot of headaches.

German shepherd puppies look over a brick wall

Be persistent and consistent

While it is true that the German Shepherd is very intelligent, that doesn’t mean he can learn 10 commands at once.

Before you teach him anything, you should think very carefully about what you actually want from him and where and how you want him to carry out your command.

Don’t keep changing the rules and routines or you’ll just drive him crazy. This is not how you achieve your desired goal, in this case obedience.

Use positive reinforcement

This breed is ideal for learning commands like “sit”, “fetch”, “let go”, “sit down”, “roll over”, “give paws” or even “bring your shoes”.

Of course, despite all the intelligence, it takes a little time and patience. Never yell at him or even think about hitting him. So you just get a scary animal.

Better to reward him when he does something right. Positive reinforcement always works and is of great help in training the German Shepherd.

As you can see, raising the German Shepherd doesn’t have to be that complicated. If you decide to adopt one, you will have a very special pet that will surprise you every day and a loyal friend to share your life with.

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