A Rat As A Pet? Not A Bad Idea!

The rat is an adorable pet that you will love very much. Many people only reject this nice animal because they don’t know enough about it.
A rat as a pet?  Not a bad idea!

The world of pets surprises us every day. There are people who love to live with exotic or even dangerous animals. Having a rat as a pet can result in fewer visits to your home. However, the idea is not as far-fetched as it might seem at first.

A rat as a pet, a good idea

If you choose to have a rat as your daily companion, there will be more than just a discussion with family and friends. In reality, however, they only think this way because they lack information about this cute animal.

What is it like to live with a rat?

These friendly rodents are very sociable. They are also very good at accepting people’s presence when raised from an early age. They are so easy to care for that you will think keeping a dog against them is a very self-sacrificing endeavor.

Before thinking of a rat as a pet, however, you should be aware that the animal is more like a cat than a dog.

Due to their ability to climb and get to the most impossible places, it is necessary to get rid of any leftover food that the rat might have access to. If you let her run free, she’ll always try to find a feast.

Their intelligence will surprise you every day. In terms of her ability to learn, she is in no way inferior to other pets such as dogs or cats and she rarely forgets anything.

A rat is able to learn many tricks, and it is not difficult to teach them things. However, you always have to reward them with food for this.

A rat as a pet

Also , unlike hamsters or rabbits , rats have enough intelligence to play and interact. This allows them to have a lot of fun with children and other pets .

In addition, she rarely shows aggressive behavior and usually does not bite. However, there is a need to be careful when she is small because she cannot yet control the strength of her sharp teeth, just like dogs and cats can.

Unlike other animals, they adapt better in captivity when they have to share their space with other specimens of the same species, whether they are females or males.

However, you need to take precautions if you don’t want to have tons more rats at home in a few months.

Physical characteristics

The rat’s long tail attracts special attention. It is a very important part of her body as it controls the animal’s balance and regulates her temperature, which is why she has no hair in this area.

Rat in the cage

There are many types of rats with different types of fur. One of the most fashionable is the rat without a fur. It is a very curious and nice animal that you have to be extra careful with the temperature.

Rats typically live between three and five years and grow to be between 22 and 28 centimeters long. The long tail usually measures an additional 18 to 22 centimeters. Because of their size, they are perfect for living in a small home.

However, if you want to keep them free, keep in mind that the males usually mark their territory with urine that you cannot dispose of. However, this is not a big problem as the amount excreted is very small.

Their intelligence is so well developed that a rat is able to recognize your mood. It will act differently when you are sad or depressed, much like dogs do.

You have to get your pet used to being awake during the day from an early age, because like almost all rodents, the rat is a nocturnal animal and can therefore disturb your night’s sleep.

In short, the rat is an adorable animal that you will love very much, even if it does not enjoy a good social status. Yet it is a very clean animal with astonishing abilities.

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