Different Types Of Barking: Causes And Meaning

Barking is an integral part of the dog’s nature. There are several ways he does this, and each of them has its own meaning. We’ll tell you today what’s behind it.
Different types of barking: causes and meaning

There are different types of barking, and each of them expresses a state of mind or a specific need in your dog. It is therefore important that you can distinguish them so that you can better understand what your four-legged friend is trying to tell you.

Barking is an integral part of the dog’s nature. Dogs are the only members of the Caniformia family that are primarily expressed through this sound. Wolves, coyotes, and foxes usually howl. This is because they are wild animals that communicate with each other over long distances.

How other animals express themselves

However, there are also other animals that use bell-like sounds to communicate. It is known that some marsupials or ruminants also make very similar sounds. And these fulfill the same function as barking in dogs. Examples of this are barking deer or bag martens.

Types of barking - barking dog

Barking is the predominant form of expression used by dogs. And that’s why it’s so special. Because in this way an understanding between humans and dogs can arise. Since barking is the most common form of communication among dogs, it is important that you learn to understand them properly.

When a dog barks, it reveals a lot about its organism. Sometimes this is how they express their feelings and mood. Or they do it to warn their owners and their peers of dangers. It can also be used to draw attention to their needs such as hunger, thirst or the urge to urinate, etc.

Excessive barking, however, can be an indication that something is wrong in the animal’s organism. A dog who barks too much may want to let you know that he is in pain or has an illness. In these cases, the barking is a symptom and it should not be ignored under any circumstances.

If your dog’s behavior changes significantly, you should see a veterinarian. He may bark extremely often or he may be overly aggressive. Diagnosing an illness early almost always increases your dog’s life expectancy, as well as the chances of a complete cure.

What are the causes of this behavior?

Barking has internal or external causes. The internal causes are innate in every breed, ancestry or even in every single animal. They determine how often your dog barks and what types of barks he prefers. External causes are reactions to various environmental stimuli.

As with humans, there are dogs who are more extroverted and want to communicate more often. Others are typical hunting or guardian breeds that are extremely vigilant and therefore react to small external stimuli or changes. This is the case with the terrier, for example.

Dogs bark

Different types of barking

  1. Barking from stress. Dogs can bark to relieve stress or anxiety, and release pent-up energy. They also express their perception of a particular situation or person.
  2. Enthusiasm. Many dogs often bark when they are overly excited by a situation or stimulus. For example, when they notice that it is time to eat or go for a walk. It is an expression of joy.
  3. Boredom. Dogs bark when they are bored with doing nothing. So they try to make you aware of their needs.
  4. Frustration . The animal is upset or trying to express frustration because it did not get what it wanted.
  5. Lack of exercise. Lack of exercise, which leads to an excess of energy, can also cause excessive barking. In this way, the animal releases excess energy and at the same time attracts the attention of its owner.
  6. Warning. Dogs have very fine perception and extremely keen senses. Therefore, they recognize dangers faster and easier than we humans. They bark to warn you of threatening situations or to alert you that you should be vigilant.
  7. Unconscious training. This is one of the most common causes of excessive barking. Often times, when dogs have not been trained properly, they display this behavior.
  8. Health problems. Some diseases, vision problems and hearing problems. The aging process and temporary irritation can also cause your dog to bark more often.
  9. Possessive behavior. Very often, when dogs have not been socialized or properly raised, they display possessive behavior towards their owner or certain items.

Different Types of Barking: Final Thoughts

The different types of barking say a lot about your dog. You will learn how he feels and experience the world around him. It is therefore important that you understand what he is trying to tell you in each case. Over time, you will understand the signals he is sending you.

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