Your Dog’s Instincts That You Should Satisfy At Home

There are some instincts in your dog that can cause problems, such as hiding things or digging in the garden. However, these should not be stopped because they are not only part of his instinct, but also part of your dog’s character and personality.
Your dog's instincts to satisfy at home

Dogs have been adopted as pets for many years. But even so, they naturally have instincts that they need to satisfy. No matter how well they have adapted to our home, there are things they cannot stop doing because they are in their nature. How can you satisfy your dog’s instincts at home?

There are some instincts in your dog that can cause problems, such as hiding things or digging in the garden. However, these should not be stopped because they are not only part of his instinct, but also part of your dog’s character and personality.

Your Dog’s Natural Instincts That Should Be Satisfied at Home

Contact with other dogs and people 

Your dog's instincts - dogs in meadow

Dogs are pack animals,  they are used to being around and interacting with others. That’s why they’re such good pets. A dog cannot live on a patio or garden without entering the house. Make time to play and other activities with your dog.

In fact, there are stories of dogs going crazy for living in these circumstances. Therefore, before adopting a dog, it is important to remember that they need company. If you’re not ready to let the dog into the house, you’d better not have one at all.

Another need is to interact with other dogs. We understand your fear when you go out on the street, you are afraid that other dogs will get close to you or that they will want to hurt you, but it is one of your dog’s instincts to interact with other dogs. Allow him to sniff, play, or argue with other dogs. Nothing will happen to him, on the contrary.

Eating, drinking and sleeping

These are basic instincts in your dog that we humans also have. Before dogs were domesticated, they spent their time and energy looking for food. Hence, a dog who has met these basic needs will have a large part of their instincts covered.


The sense of smell is a very important part of the dog. He uses it to get, transmit and perceive information about the world around him. Hence, his nose has more than 250 million sensory cells, as opposed to humans who only have ten million.

Therefore, do not try to treat your dog as if he were a child when you take him for a walk. Let him smell what he wants because it’s his way of finding his place in the world. If he’s home, the place he already knows everything, you can motivate him to use that instinct by hiding his toys and allowing him to look for them.

To play

Staying active is important for a dog, and the easiest way to do so is through play. You may not want to play whenever he feels like it, but you have to cooperate as this activates his brain. Remember Mens Sana in Corpore Sano .

Gnawing on bones and toys is a natural way for dogs to play. Don’t scold your dog when he chews his toys. You bought it to play with, didn’t you?


Your dog's instincts - barking dog

Dogs have no language skills and therefore have to bark to communicate. This is why your dog barks when you come home, when he hears strange noises as a good watchdog, or when he wants something and you don’t seem to understand him. Make your dog bark. Allow him to communicate. It’s one of your dog’s instincts.

The communication instinct is also linked to your dog’s sense of smell. There are some instincts in your dog that you may find offensive, such as when he smells another dog’s urine. However, this is quite normal because this is how they communicate and understand each other. You shouldn’t prevent this from happening.

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