Earthquake In Ecuador: Dog Doesn’t Want To Leave His House

Solidarity and love show very special powers in difficult times, and pets also remind us of this again and again.
Earthquake in Ecuador: dog doesn't want to leave home

In a humanitarian tragedy like the earthquake in Ecuador, the fate of many animals often becomes a minor matter. But it is precisely in difficult extreme situations that dogs’ loyalty is particularly evident. It is therefore not surprising to learn that a dog did not want to leave his home that was destroyed by the  earthquake .

The story of Max, the dog who didn’t want to leave his ruined home

This video was on social networks 

 of seeing a puppy who lost his family and home in the Guayas earthquake. 

Man and dog after earthquake

All three family members were killed in this earthquake. The dog that stayed behind did not want to leave the place. The neighbors brought him food and water, but the  animal was loyal to his family well after death.

The dog Max was eventually taken in and cared for by other family members  , he also received support from a veterinarian. 

Even the dog Negro does not want to leave his house after the earthquake 

Max’s story isn’t the only one that shows us how faithful dogs are. Negro didn’t want to leave his destroyed home either.

This story was also made known on Facebook. Negro was found by a photographer among the rubble of his home in the San Martín de Porres district of the Ecuadorian capital. The consequences of the earthquake could also be felt in Quito, albeit to a lesser extent than in other areas.

The photographer wanted to feed the dog, but refused. He also did not want to leave the place where he lived happily with its owners until the terrible event.  After days the photographer returned and the animal was still waiting for its owner,  now he accepted the food.
This story had a happy ending because the four-legged friend was  able to find its owner. Although they had lost their homes, they could enjoy each other’s company.

Pets: the other victims of the Ecuador earthquake

While not on the news,  many pets have also fallen victim to the dire situation following the earthquake in Ecuador. Some could be saved, others could be found on the street and still others refused to leave their destroyed homes, like Negro and Max.

For this reason, the  Centro Regional de Adiestramiento Canino (Regional Dog Breeders Association) made two animal shelters available to give protection to the affected animals after the disaster.

These shelters are located in Manta and Pedernales, the two cities that were particularly hard hit by the earthquake. Volunteers take care of the animals and also accept donations to help the animals.

Hund und Besitzer bei Erdbeben
Source: Facebook de Camilo Cevallos Parra

This animal welfare association carries out the following activities  to help four-legged earthquake victims:

  • Veterinary care of the animals, food and water as soon as they are found
  • Find the owner
  • Finding new adoptive families

In extreme situations, solidarity becomes particularly evident 

Solidarity and love show very special powers in difficult times, and pets also remind us of this again and again. We have seen how generously neighbors the pets tried to care for dogs that had lost their human families, and how loyal the animals are until the last moment.

Not to be forgotten is the uninterested work of all helpers and volunteers who do everything to save lives,  not only human lives, but also the lives of dogs, cats or other animals in need.

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