Three Puppies Were Rescued From A Hotel After A Landslide In Italy

News of a landslide in Italy was in the press the other day. We tell you how three puppies were saved.
Three puppies were rescued from a hotel after a landslide in Italy

News of a landslide in Italy was in the press the other day. The rescue teams looked for missing people among the ruins of the Rigopiano Hotel. It was spilled by a landslide in central Italy. Three puppies were found there that survived the natural disaster. Now let’s get to know their story.

This news was announced in the local media. Police found three Mastiff dogs  in the hotel boiler room. The team also rescued eleven people, while another nine were recovered dead. There are more missing people.

In order to save the puppies after the landslide, the specialists had to break through a wall.  The dogs are in good condition and a team of veterinarians takes care of them. They are the litter pups from Nuvola y Lupo. The two are the mastiffs of the hotel owners.

It is determined about the pups that survived the landslide

Prosecutor Cristina Tedeschini, who took over the case, informed the press that there would be an investigation into all aspects of the accident. Even the structure will not be excluded from this.

The hotel was at an altitude of 1,300 meters. It was completely buried by the intense amounts of snow that fell in the region a week earlier and sealed off from the rest of the world.

The pups were not found until five days after the landslide. The rescue team celebrated that life could still be recovered from the ruins.

The moment when the pups were rescued

A member of the rescue team said that the little fur noses only barked softly. He said, “We found it difficult to track down the little ones because they were hidden. We heard this soft barking and then suddenly saw her through this small hole that the fire department had made in the wall. We enlarged the opening and got the puppies out. “

Dogs that have survived dangerous situations

There are street dogs all over the world. This is usually due to the irresponsibility of their former owners.  However, it is also true that more and more people and groups are organizing to solve this problem.

Every day we hear new horror stories about what happens to dogs.  Too many unscrupulous people simply abandon their dogs.

When approaching a street dog, we should consider the following pointers

The pups survived the landslide that spilled an Italian hotel

  • A collar with a leash, a blanket and some tasty food will help us get closer to the animal.
    • First we should put the feed a safe distance away from the animal and then withdraw.
    • Then we sit near the dog. But we shouldn’t get on him too much so that he doesn’t get scared of us.
    • With a lot of patience we approach the food more and more until the dog trusts us completely.
    • It is very important to gain your trust. A street dog is definitely not used to being petted. On the contrary, he expects abuse all the time, because that is what he has felt so far. So we’d rather wait patiently for him to allow us light physical contact.
    • If we can put the collar on the dog, we have taken an important step.  Let’s continue with the pats and the food.

      How we bring the street dog home

      • If the dog allows us, we carry him to our car and drive him home. If its skin is in very bad condition and has inflammation or disease, then we use a blanket to prevent further harm to the animal.
      • Once home, the dog should be served homemade food first.  The street dog diet is often based on leftovers. A sudden change to concentrated dog food can therefore lead to digestive disorders.
      • If the dog has eaten well, we will provide him with a warm bed.
      • It is essential that we take him to the vet the next day. There he is given a worming agent and his first vaccinations.  Lack of money is not an excuse to skip this step. You can always ask an animal welfare association to help you. It is also possible to post a picture on social networks to appeal to animal lovers for help.
        • If you don’t want to keep the dog yourself, you should ask an animal welfare organization to help you find a responsible owner for the animal. But you can also post a photo on social networks and find a new adoptive family for the fur nose.

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