The Most Expensive Dog In The World And Its Sad History

This type of shepherd dog was mystified by Marco Polo and Aristotle, so they became cannon fodder for speculation. However, since it is not an animal that can be mass-sold, prices eventually fell and many of them were put on hold.
The most expensive dog in the world and its sad story

A few years ago, a certain breed was believed to be the  most expensive dog in the world . We are referring to the Tibetan mastiff, a gigantic giant that has been herding sheep on the peaks of the Himalayas for centuries.

The most expensive dog in the world and its humble origins

It’s true that the supposedly most expensive dog in the world has humble roots. For thousands of years he has been protecting monasteries and accompanying shepherds in Tibet.

Aristotle already mentioned it and Marco Polo was also very impressed by the beauty of the so-called Tibetan mastiff. It stands out in particular because of its grandeur and almost mystical size.

Perhaps it was the appearance of legend that turned these animals into the most expensive in the world. However, the dog has evolved in various ways in many places around the world.

You can find it in the Great Pyrenees or in the Neapolitan Mastiff.

So it came about that he became the most expensive dog in the world. A Chinese coal tycoon actually paid 1.6 million euros for a copy called the Hong Dong.

The Tibetan mastiff is a magnificent animal

This dog was not created for luxury

Breeding a breed of dog is not easy: you look for a certain skill and then choose the most suitable animals with those characteristics to breed. 

Sometimes it’s all about looks, but other times it’s actually a skill that isn’t just a hobby. We mean work animals, such as the Tibetan mastiff.

He is therefore used to cold weather and likes to work outdoors with other animals. He does this in particular to protect them from predators such as the snow leopard, but also from humans.

While they can make a great house dog too, often they are not really suitable for first-time owners or people who cannot offer them enough activity.

The abandonment of the most expensive dog in the world

Unfortunately, these traits don’t make him the ideal dog for everyone. It just became overly mystified and prices went up.

It got to the point, however, that many breeders, who thought they could earn a nice sum, abandoned the animals  when they realized that they couldn’t be sold that easily after all.

Tibetan Mastiff panting to himself

What was once the most expensive dog in the world is now wandering the streets of China homeless. Unfortunately, it all too often ends up in the dog slaughterhouses of this country, which still offers dog meat for consumption.

Of course, every country has its own culture and the Chinese can eat dog meat just as we eat rabbits or cattle. However, one criticizes the animal abuse and the terrible conditions of these slaughterhouses.

The Tibetan Mastiff is yet another sign of how difficult it can be to properly house a pet. You should really think twice before getting a dog without mindlessly following a fad.

After all, they are living beings who have been man’s best friend since prehistoric times and who also have feelings.

But there are still hundreds of mastiffs who protect animals and people in Tibet and have no idea what problems the people and the money have brought their conspecifics.

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