The Races Of The Shorthair Cats

If you’re looking for the perfect pet for you and are looking for a companion that doesn’t require as much grooming or attention, the Shorthair cat breeds are ideal.
The breeds of shorthair cats

Because of their independence, cats are ideal for people who don’t spend a lot of time at home. And when you add the fact that some breeds don’t need a lot of grooming, they become perfect creatures. Learn more about the breeds of shorthair cats in the following post .

The breeds of shorthair cats

The breeds of short-haired cats number about 25. We’ll show you some of them:

1. Russian blue

A medium-sized cat with short, silver-colored hair (double hair). The Russian Blue is distinguished by its intelligence and affection.

She loves contact with people. The Russich Blau has long ears, distinctive whiskers and does not form hairballs. It originated in northern Russia and is one of the oldest breeds.

The breeds of shorthair cats have different temperaments.

2. Bengal cat

This hybrid cat was created by crossing a domestic cat with a leopard cat in the United States.

It is like a wildcat because of its tabby fur, but small enough to take home. It is a muscular and sturdy animal, with a thick tail, small ears, and short, thick and soft fur.

The bengal cat is a good swimmer, which is a strange quality for a cat. She can be hyperactive and playful.

3. Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is another breed of Shorthair cat, but in this case it has soft curls. Originally from the English city of Devon, she has large ears, oval eyes and a small head.

The Devon Rex is an affectionate pet that makes a gentle meow. She is always vigilant and alert. The fur is usually yellowish.

4. Manx

One of the peculiarities of this breed is that due to a natural mutation, it does not have a tail (just a very small one). This cat from the Isle of Man (UK) was very popular around 300 years ago. It is usually white with black, gray, or brown spots.

She prefers quiet surroundings, is not shy at all, likes the attention of its owners and easily adapts to any family environment.

When you have access to the outside world, your hunting instincts will come to light.

5. Ocicat

The name of this breed of cats is derived from “Ocelot” (English for ocelot) and “Cat”, as it has a layer of short, speckled hair, like a wild cat.

The breed originated in the United States by crossing a Siamese with a Siamese Abisaniye. Not very popular in Europe, she is a strong, wild-looking pet with a distinctive nose, large ears, muscular legs, and a long, thin tail.

The Ocicat is playful, curious, active and dominant with other cats. The fur is very easy to care for, as it rarely needs a little brushing.

6. Carthusian Cat

Her original name is Chartreux and she is from France, although her ancestors are from Turkey and Iran.

The Carthusian has copper or orange eyes and short blue hair. It is very popular in France and very similar to Russian Blue.

It is a calm, relaxed, quiet and reserved animal. She is loyal to its owners, playful and very curious. Her favorite hobby is sleeping.

7. Japanese Bobtail

Another cat that expands the breeds of short-haired cats. It stands out for its small, rabbit-like tail.

Japanese bobtail are very popular throughout Southeast Asia as icons of Japanese folklore. Their fur is soft, smooth, and silky with some wavy tips.

This cat is very active, open-minded, curious and loves to explore its surroundings at night. The Japanese Bobtail doesn’t like solitude.

The shorthair cat breeds are elegant.

8. Cornish Rex

Hailing from Cornwall, South West England, this cat is elegant and slim in appearance, but very muscular. It is covered by wavy, soft hair and is medium in size with large rounded ears.

She has medium and light eyes, a thin tail, and fur can be of any color.

The breeds of shorthair cats are continued by: Abyssinian, British Shorthair, European Shorthair, Burmese, Burmese Cat, German Rex, Korat Cat, Egyptian Mau, Sokoke and Singapura.

Main image source: Clarisse VINOT.

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