Dogs Sense Jealousy – Can That Be?

If dogs feel that they are being treated unfairly, let their owner know. It could be another pet or something that makes them jealous.
Dogs feel jealousy - can that be?

Dogs sense jealousy.  Is that true, or are we overestimating the emotional abilities of our fur-noses?

It has often been discussed whether dogs can express feelings just like us humans. Opinions are divided on this topic.

However, there are many studies that show that dogs have the same emotions as humans. One of the latest found out that dogs feel jealousy.

Results of a study: dogs feel jealous

It is interesting how such studies are developed and what surprising results are obtained. This too was no less peculiar.

It took place in Austria. Pairs of dogs with the same owner were invited. The owner was asked to give both dogs paws, but he then treated them in different ways.

One of the dogs got praise and a reward,  while the other didn’t even get a word of thanks.

If the dog,  not receiving a reward, saw  the injustice, he showed it through  resentment and anger. Nor did he give a paw when asked to do so.

These reactions were previously only known in primates, but now they are also seen in dogs. These are cute fur noses who supposedly love us so unconditionally.

Still, they want to be treated fairly!

Fight for the treat

Dogs sense jealousy: another study supports this

There should be no doubt about it: dogs sense jealousy . Further studies came to the same conclusion.

One of the studies is being carried out in California. 36 dogs were filmed at home. Her owner would give his attention to an object before taking care of it.

A stuffed animal that barked, a cube and a book were used for this. The keepers treated the first two items as if they were pets. They read from the book aloud. The dogs reacted similarly each time.

They bit the items, stood between them and their owners, and even hid them to  get them out of their turf.

The scientists came to the following conclusion:

What are dogs jealous of?

The last study found that dogs reacted more jealously to the stuffed animal than to the other objects.

Jealous dogs

So it’s true: dogs feel jealous of anything that  threatens the close bond between them and their caregiver. 

And what use is this knowledge to us? It helps us do the right thing when a new family member comes into our life. It doesn’t matter whether it’s another human or a new animal.

We have to be very careful and make sure that we do not neglect our fur nose. Both his routine and the usual level of attention must be respected.

If the new family member is another dog, they both need their own space, feeding and drinking bowls, etc.

Now who wants to go on saying that dogs don’t express their feelings? We are convinced of it.

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