Improve The Quality Of The Chicken Eggs

One can analyze the quality of the chicken eggs by looking at the yolks, whites, and shell.
Improve the quality of the chicken eggs

The quality of chicken eggs is critical to the income of their producers and the health of consumers. For this you have to keep and feed the laying hens properly.

The quality of chicken eggs: feeding recommendations for laying hens

One can analyze the quality of the chicken eggs by looking at the yolks, whites and shell.

The quality of chicken eggs depends on how they are fed.

The quality of the chicken eggs: the yolk

The quality of the egg yolk can be seen in its consistency, color and composition. The color of the egg yolk varies from light yellow to deep orange. The hue depends on the absorption of the lipid pigments found in the chickens’ diet.

Many manufacturers use special synthetic fabrics or feeds to achieve the color that consumers prefer. It also depends on each culture, but we usually associate a more intense color with the “quality egg” from the country.

The synthetic component usually consists of zeaxanthin, lutein and capsanthin in different proportions. This component can be included in the diet of poultry by adding corn or alfalfa.

The consistency of the yolk depends mainly on the permeability of the yolk membrane. The diet of the hens usually has no direct influence on this permeability, but other factors are decisive: storage, age of the laying hens and the storage time until consumption.

Spots in the yolk

One of the most important aspects of the yolk composition is the presence of small bleeds. These blood spots form during ovulation and appear on the surface of the yolk and turn brown or white through oxidation.

Genetic factors, the age of the animal and the stress involved in breeding are responsible for this phenomenon. It is now believed that the presence of toxic substances in commercial feed can increase the appearance of the stains.

Quality of the protein

The quality of the protein (egg white) is mainly determined by its consistency. The most important factors are the freshness of the eggs and the age of the laying hens, but good commercial feed is also crucial and must contain enough protein sources for the formation of the protein.

Animal meal or bean meal are sources of protein that promote a good consistency of the protein, while rapeseed and sunflower meal are detrimental to this property. In addition, specific amino acids such as lysine have a positive effect on the consistency of the protein.

Excess magnesium and other metals in the diet can affect the quality of the eggs. The same applies to contamination with vanadium, which can be counteracted by controlled dosing of ascorbic acid.

Quality of the shell

As for the shell, only its thickness can be changed by feeding the hen. Almost 95% of the eggshell consists of calcium carbonate, a substance that is mainly obtained from the bones of the animals, but can also be ingested through diet.

Therefore, an additional dose of calcium can be given to the laying hens’ feed. It is advisable to supplement calcium with inorganic phosphorus in order to promote the bone structure of the animals.

It should also be noted that laying hens’ feed must contain vitamin D3, which is essential for bone development and improving shell density.

The quality of the chicken eggs is important to the consumer.

The quality of chicken eggs: care in handling and preventive medicine

First of all , preventive medicine helps keep animals healthy and increase their productivity. In this regard, it is imperative to have regular vaccination against infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease.

With regard to the handling of the animals, the stress on the group should be reduced to a minimum. This should be done by avoiding sudden changes in habitat and lighting, as well as adhering to fixed schedules and frequencies for egg retrieval.

The quality of the chicken eggs also has an impact on the health of consumers. Nowadays, therefore, there is a tendency to buy eggs with better nutritional properties: a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and folic acid.

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