Foods That Are Toxic To Cats

If you have any doubts, it is best to seek advice from an expert.
Foods that are toxic to cats

Certain foods can be  toxic to cats . To prevent problems, all cat owners should know which one it is. In this post we explain why cats should not eat the following foods or substances under any circumstances:

  • Caffeine and theobromine
  • Milk and lactose
  • alcohol
  • Onion and garlic
  • Salt, sugar and spices
  • avocado

Caffeine and theobromine can be toxic to cats

Caffeine (or also tein) and theobromine, i.e.  chocolate, tea and coffee, are toxic to cats. This speeds up blood pressure and can lead to diarrhea, digestive problems and vomiting.

If the cat eats a lot of it, it could be fatal! So be careful that your cat doesn’t get these foods!

Food can be toxic to cats

Milk and lactose

Many people think that cats love milk and that it is healthy for them at every stage of life, but this is a mistake. Adult cats do not tolerate lactose. This could lead to severe digestive problems.


It seems obvious that alcohol should be taboo for animals in general. But again and again it happens that cats are brought to the vet if they have drunk alcohol.

You should definitely avoid this, as alcohol is particularly dangerous for cats. It could be fatal to the cat.

Onion and garlic

Onion, garlic, and leek can destroy red blood cells. This means that they could cause anemia in cats. You should therefore make sure that your cat does not catch any leftovers, as many foods contain these types of vegetables.

Salt, sugar and spices

Salt, sugar and spices are part of our diet, but have no place in a cat’s bowl. These foods lead to high blood pressure, indigestion,  and other diseases that you can easily prevent!


The avocado contains fatty acids that are very healthy for humans  , but it has no place in a cat’s diet. This fruit contains persin, a substance that is very harmful to cats. Better feed your cat salmon oil!

some foods are toxic to cats

Bones and bones

Even if you often see typical pictures with a cat and a fishbone, this could have serious consequences. Pets can choke on bones. They can also cause diseases (such as ulcers).

The list of dangerous foods could go on for a long time. If you have any doubts, it is best to seek advice from an expert.

You should not give anything to your pet that is not specifically recommended for their breed, age, and size.


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