What To Do If Your Dog Gulps Down His Food?

You don’t understand why he behaves like this? Today we explain it to you. We’ll give you some guidelines that can help you.
What to do if your dog gulps down his food

Know that this behavior is inherited from the wolf. It’s an instinct. But you should reassure your dog, because stomach twisting could result if he gobbles down his food. That could be fatal!

Surely you have seen your dog gulping down its food several times . You put his food down and a few seconds later he has swallowed it as if his life depended on it.

You don’t understand why he behaves like this? Today we explain it to you. We’ll give you some guidelines that can help you. Are you interested?

Why your dog gulps down his food

It is well known that dogs descend from wolves. They therefore have genetically determined behaviors that are difficult to get rid of. The devouring of the food is innate to them, because in the wild there is the law of the stronger and faster.

Therefore , when wolves hunt, they devour everything immediately. Other predators and sometimes other wolves cannot take it away from them. They eat this way because they don’t know when they will be back. Our domestic dogs still carry this fear of hunger.

Even if pets are fed at the same time every day,  this behavior is deeply ingrained in them. It’s very hard to do anything about it.

What to do if your dog gulps down its food - dog eats

Other reasons why a dog may gobble down its food

If your dog suddenly starts devouring its food, it could be for one of the following reasons:

  • Stress. A stressed dog can gobble down its food. The stress could be caused by trauma, an accident, moving house, or the arrival of a new pet.
  • Medication.  Medication with corticosteroids can cause nervousness. And that can be reflected in the way he eats.
  • Disease. Diabetes or other illnesses can cause your dog to gobble down their food.

What can you do if your dog gulps down his food?

Now that we know it’s a normal instinct, and that is why many dogs gobble up the food, it is time to analyze what can be done about it. Because you shouldn’t forget that this can lead to obesity, diarrhea or stomach torsion.

What to do if your dog gulps down his food - dog is doing in the meadow

Simple tips

  • Movement. When your dog is in good shape, his fear of eating will calm down. Exercise is good for your health and helps you keep fit and eat more calmly.
  • Give him several rations. It is possible that your dog thinks that eating once a day is not enough. He may feel like he doesn’t know when to eat again. So he devoured everything quickly. One of the best methods is to split your food intake into several rations throughout the day. Don’t give him more than he needs.
  • Change his bowl. If his bowl is very wide, he can gulp down the food easily. In stores, you can find alternatives that will force the animal to eat more slowly.
  • Feed him. If none of these methods help, take the time to feed your dog slowly. After a few weeks he will get used to eating more slowly.

    Any change in a dog’s behavior requires patience and effort. However, it is an investment that we are sure will take care of your pet’s well-being.

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