The First Beach Bar For Dogs

Dog-friendly beaches are great because here you know that the animals don’t bother anyone and you don’t have to worry about that. The dogs can move around freely here and reduce their energy.
The first beach bar for dogs

There are not only dedicated beaches for dogs, but now also the first  beach bar  where four-legged friends can be served. Their owners can also make themselves comfortable here, because everyone is welcome here. We then take a closer look at the advantages of a  beach bar  for dogs.

Beaches and beach bar for dogs

Dog owners have of course been taking their loyal companions to the beach for a long time, even if until recently there were no beaches of their own and certainly no beach bar. Dogs love sandy beaches  where they can let off steam and also play with the waves.

As soon as you take off the leash, they’ll run and jump along the beach with joy. Some even dare to go into the water. Others roll around in the sand or play with their fellow species, if there are any.

We were therefore pleased to learn that there are now not only dog-friendly beaches, but also a dedicated beach bar for fur noses.

Dog-friendly beaches are great  because here you know that the animals don’t bother anyone and you don’t have to worry about that. The dogs can move around freely here and dissipate their energy.

But over time the dogs get tired and of course the dog owners too. Surely many have already imagined how nice it would be to be able to enjoy a cold beer on a terrace at the dog beach. Of course, the dog itself also wants at least some water. This idea was turned into reality and so the first beach bar for dogs was born.

The first beach bar for dogs

The first beach bar for dogs was opened in Mallorca,  a Spanish island that is always open to new, modern ideas – the perfect place to implement this project.

There is a well-known dog beach called  Es Carnatge  . This is where the  Handle Bar  can be found, a small beach bar where dog owners can relax after a long game with their fur noses.  

Dog on the beach

The beach bar was built from recycled wood, it is small because it should fit well into the landscape. There were some administrative problems at the beginning, so the bar could not be opened as soon as it was completed, but now it is open from 8 a.m. to midnight.

The prices are modest, a beer costs around € 2, a mojito € 3. There is always fresh water and dog biscuits for dogs. You can walk around freely and make yourself comfortable because this is a dog friendly bar after all.

In the first few months this idea was already very successful, now there is also an ice cream menu, cocktails, coffee and food, so that nothing is missing from a relaxing day on the beach with a dog. While the dog owner is making himself comfortable, his loyal companion can let off steam on the beach. The dogs can be perfectly observed from the terrace of the bar and the owner can chill out a bit in the meantime.

A great idea that will hopefully soon be found on other beaches as well. Because dogs too have the right to relaxation and a comfortable place where they are welcome. Good music and good food are offered to both the owner and the dog in the Handle Bar.

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