Four Reasons To Sterilize Your Pet

Sterilization has several advantages for the animal. You can learn more about it in today’s article.
Four reasons to sterilize your pet

Your pet to sterilize is a big decision that only you can make. When you take the step, your pet will have several benefits. Then learn more about this topic. 

What is sterilization?

Sterilization is an outpatient veterinary procedure that consists of removing or preventing fertilization from animals’ reproductive organs.

This is usually only done on cats and dogs, although it can be done on other species as well.

Birth control can be done chemically or through surgery. Surgery is usually affordable and the safest method. It also has additional advantages.

This can be used to control the animal population. In addition, sterilization can prevent certain diseases related to the reproductive organs.

This also improves behavior. For example, males are less aggressive afterwards. Then learn more about the benefits.

Four reasons to sterilize your pet: better behavior

Benefits of sterilizing your pet

Then find out which physiological benefits and behavioral changes can result from sterilizing a pet.

Hormonal changes = behavior changes

When the testicles are removed from the males, their character changes. Most males are very territorial. The high testosterone level sometimes gives them a restless or even aggressive character.

After an operation, the animal is calmer and has less need to mate with a female.

Females are no longer fertile as a result of the surgery and also  no longer have menstruation. This saves you inconvenience and you don’t have to worry about having unwanted offspring.

Four reasons to sterilize your pet: Health

The female will be calmer and friendlier,  even towards strangers. There are no longer any problems during a walk when he meets a male because he is no longer in heat.

Disease prevention

It is a myth that the animal must first come into heat to be sterilized. If you don’t, you are at greater risk of breast cancer and cervical cancer. The dog and cat death rate from these cancers is very high.

In males , sterilization can prevent the  transmission of diseases if several conspecifics live together. An example is the immunodeficiency virus in cats, which has a high mortality rate.

In addition , sterilizing your pet will prevent future tumors and cysts from forming in pet complicated areas; most often they occur in the anus and scrotum.

Four reasons to sterilize your pet: Life expectancy

Higher life expectancy

As a rule, sterilized animals live longer and enjoy  a better quality of life. This is due to the fact that it prevents certain diseases.

In addition, the animal can increase its life expectancy due to the somewhat slowed metabolism  . In short, the sterilized animal is usually in better health.

Birth control

If you don’t plan on breeding a specific breed,  sterilization is worthwhile to make birth control easier.

When a pet becomes accidentally pregnant, many don’t know what to do with the offspring afterwards. Unfortunately, the small dogs or cats often end up on the street.

Responsible pet owners therefore choose birth control!

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