8 Common Canine Diseases

Recognizing symptoms of illness at an early stage is a prerequisite for keeping our dogs healthy. In serious illnesses, it can even save your life.
8 common dog diseases

In order to protect our pets from certain diseases, we should inform ourselves thoroughly about the health of our four-legged friends. Because if we know the symptoms of the disease and take our pet to the vet quickly, the chance of a quick and complete cure is much greater. In this article we want to tell you about the most common canine diseases.

Common dog diseases

It is very important that you watch out for changes in your pet’s behavior. Because they are often the first signs that something is wrong with your four-legged friend.

Symptoms are not always as obvious as vomiting or diarrhea. Sometimes dog diseases only show themselves through extraordinary tiredness or weakness or changes in the animal’s eating behavior. The most common canine diseases include:

1. otitis media

This infectious disease occurs mainly in dog breeds with long floppy ears, such as the Cocker Spaniel or the Bloodhound. However, it can also occur in any other dog that has been in contact with water or moisture.

Dog diseases in the Cocker Spaniel

2. Distemper

Fortunately, distemper is one of the dog diseases that you can protect your dog from with a vaccination. However, this disease is highly contagious and in the worst case scenario, unvaccinated or very young animals can die from it.

In some cases distemper cannot be clearly diagnosed and is therefore also referred to as the “disease of a thousand symptoms”. These symptoms include coughing, sneezing, discharge, fever, diarrhea, nervous twitching, etc.

3. Mange

Mange is a skin disease that can also affect cats or even people. This disease is caused by microscopic parasites called mites, which dig into the skin and cause infections.

Dog diseases mange

Two types of mange are particularly common in dogs: sarcoptic mange, which is transmitted through contact with infected animals, and demodicosis. The latter can be traced back to problems with the immune system and genetic predisposition.

4. Internal parasites

Tapeworms most commonly affect dogs. These worms are flat, nestle in the animal’s intestines and feed on the food the host eats. The tapeworms are transmitted through piles of dogs from infected animals or raw or incompletely boiled food.

Dog diseases caused by parasites

It is therefore important to dewormer your dog regularly and as directed by a veterinarian. Not only puppies need to be dewormed. Adult animals can also suffer from worm infestation. Sometimes you can even see the worms in the dog piles of infested animals. 

5. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common canine diseases and mainly affects old dogs and is typical of some breeds, such as the German Shepherd or Doberman. Osteoarthritis is inflammation and degeneration of the joints and, in many cases, occurs in the hip and knee joints.

6. Parvovirus

This disease primarily affects the animal’s digestive system, but it can also cause a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, which can affect the functioning of the heart and bowels.

Canine Diseases in Young Dogs

Symptoms of parvovirus in dogs include vomiting, loss of appetite, blood in the feces, fatigue, diarrhea, depression, lack of energy, and dehydration. The good news is that vaccination can prevent this disease.

7. gastritis

This disease is more common than we think and in most cases we don’t even notice that our pet is suffering from it. Gastritis is inflammation or irritation of the lining of the stomach and is caused by poor diet. The causes are considered to be unsuitable food, portions that are too large or eating too quickly.

Typical symptoms of gastritis are vomiting and gas (with a bloated stomach), but it can also lead to loss of appetite and weight loss, listlessness and excessive salivation.

8. Leishmaniasis

This disease is transmitted by a species of mosquito and is particularly common in certain parts of Europe. The symptoms of leishmaniasis can vary widely. The most successful way to prevent infection is to destroy the causer.

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