4 Kinds Of Turtles As Pets

There are two types of turtles: one lives in fresh water, the other on land. Although these are actually wild animals, many keep turtles as pets
4 types of turtles as pets

In some countries it is not even allowed  to keep turtles as pets. Still, some people choose to have a turtle rather than a dog or cat.

What types of turtles are there as pets?

First, we need to distinguish between freshwater turtles and tortoises. The first named live surrounded by water (for example in a fountain, an aquarium or a pond).

The latter need a large terrarium in which they can sleep, eat and do their little business.

In both cases, room temperature and sunlight are essential. After all, they are cold-blooded reptiles. They spend a lot of time “warming up”. They even hibernate during the cold season.

1. Forest brook turtle

Its scientific name is Glyptemys insculpta  and it appears on our featured image.

This turtle is native to North America. It is characterized by its dark gray shell and has yellowish paws, head and stomach with dark spots. 

Their limbs are robust and have few webs.

Males are larger than females. They are generally around 9 inches tall and weigh about a pound when they grow up.

They are known as omnivores. These animals feed on plants, mushrooms, and fruits. But they also eat carrion and invertebrates. 

The forest brook turtle lives on land in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, however, she chooses water as her place of life.

2. Russian tortoise

Among the turtles as pets, the Russian tortoise is one of the most common species.

It has a dark shell with light, round spots. Their head and limbs are light-colored. The claws of the hind paws in particular are very well developed. This turtle can grow up to 22 cm.

Russian tortoise

In the wild, the four-toed tortoise can live up to 40 years. As a pet, however, it can reach the proud age of 100 years. 
She sees very well and can even recognize people. She also feels vibrations in the ground. Her particularly well developed sense of smell allows her to find food. It feeds on herbs, flowers and vegetables.

3. Mediterranean ornamental turtle

This turtle comes from North America and lives in the water.

It prefers rivers with small amounts of water, soft, muddy river beds, wetlands, lakes and wells. In some countries (such as Spain) it is considered a neobiota.

Mediterranean ornamental turtle

Their carapace is about 25 cm long and stands out for its yellow and red stripes. You could almost think that they were hand-painted!

The skin is olive green and black. It has orange and yellow lines. If you keep these turtles as pets, they can live up to 25 years. However, you need a fairly large pond and pleasant temperatures.

4. Red eared slider turtle

Another species of turtle lives in the wild in the United States and Mexico.

She is known for the red stripes on the side of her head. Because of this, these turtles are popular as pets. 

Turtles as pets

It can be up to 30 cm long. The females are about larger than the males. They live up to 40 years and spend a lot of time in the water.

However, they also need sunlight so that they can regulate their body temperature.

The red-eared slider turtle is an excellent swimmer. She especially likes to sunbathe around noon.

If it has to share its territory with other conspecifics, it can become a little aggressive. They overwinter in the cold season.

If you choose this type of turtle, you should be aware that it is easy for them to get infections.

They can also transmit salmonella to children. By the way, they feed on plants, fish, insects, fruits and vegetables.

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