4 Apps To Find Your Dog Again

After the implantation of a microchip, there are now also apps for smartphones to help you find your dog again. Technology and the support of other users can help you find a lost dog faster.
4 apps to find your dog again

That’s the advantage of living in the 21st century, where technology makes our lives a lot easier. Today we want you imagine 4 apps , to your dog to find again .

The desperation when the pet is lost

For a long time , dogs have been lost on the walk or escaped from their homes for various reasons. 

That was a big problem for the owners. After all, you couldn’t find your fur nose again easily and quickly.

This went on until the first “technical” solution was found. With a bell around your neck, it was easier to find a lost pet. 

One only had to follow the bell to find the possible direction of the scavenger.

What do you do if the dog is lost

That was progress, but not always particularly effective.

Finally, if the animal was some distance away, the ringing could no longer be heard. Since dogs are simply faster than humans, they can easily move away.

Technological progress

 There has been more technological and medical advances since the 80s. This is how the microchip that is implanted in our pets came about .

The pet’s legal data and medical history are stored on the microchip In this way you can avoid accidents at the vet when the animal is rescued.

Furthermore,  we also tried the GPS technology. So a dog can be found faster. However, this was too fragile and delicate to withstand the daily activities of our dogs.

Lonely dog ​​looks lost in the world

The cost of implanting the microchips was also quite high. Especially when you compare them to the regular chips that are still used today. 

But the progress of technology could not be stopped and so it came about that more and more pet owners could afford the chips.

The generation of smartphones

Thanks to the technological development of the past 10 years , these electronic devices and gadgets have become better and more affordable.  Our cell phones nowadays have more power than a computer on a spaceship of the Apollo program.

We can store and process unbelievable amounts of data in our trouser pockets.  That is why there are also the apps that support us in this task.

Most of the apps are used like social networks.  This means that a user group is constantly exchanging and sharing information.

With the apps to find your dog again, you simply put a photo of the animal on the net so that the information spreads faster.

The fur nose has been lost

There are even some who have taken advantage of GPS technology. This is how they show the last place the dog was seen. 

Other apps, on the other hand, use face recognition to identify animals that are nearby.

Apps to find your dog again

There is no doubt that we live in an age where information is spreading very quickly. Sometimes all of this can become too much for us and we no longer even know which option is the best.

That’s why we would like to introduce you to some apps today to help you find your dog again.


This is a very popular app that you can use to find out about the traffic situation. It might sound a bit strange, but the app also has a function to find lost dogs. 

The users of this app can find animals anywhere, take photos of them and post them on the social network.

In this way, they help the animal and owner to come together again.  The search extends about six km. That’s not that bad, is it?

Buscando Huellas

This app from Argentina uses the Google Maps database to locate lost pets. It uses the data of personal contacts and Facebook to search posts within a radius of up to 100 km.


This app also uses the Google Maps database. There you can put a photo of the animal and offer a reward through MangoPay.

PiP Pet Recognition App

This is an app to help you find your dog using the latest technology and facial recognition. She  analyzes your pet’s photos and  compares them to those in her database.

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