11 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Have A Pit Bull

Today we’re going to humorously address several reasons not to have a pit bull.
11 reasons you shouldn't have a pit bull

Many people start to tremble when they hear the word pit bull. Unfortunately, without wanting to, these dogs have built a reputation for themselves that doesn’t make them look good. However, those of us who love animals know that this is not true at all. Here we give you reasons not to have a pit bull, or maybe we convince you otherwise?

Today we’re going to humorously address several reasons not to have a pit bull why those who hate these dogs would advise you not to adopt one.

Why shouldn’t I have a pit bull?

When someone wants to apologize for a decision or a feeling, there are always a thousand excuses to justify them. Here are 11 things people say pit bulls don’t love:

Not a pit bull - black pit bull

  • His smile is creepy. For real? Have you ever seen anything more adorable than a pit bull smile? People judge looks so much and we are so influenced by prejudice that we forget to see and enjoy the beautiful things in life. And there’s nothing like seeing a pit bull smile. Or what do you think?
  • You are very aggressive. They did not create this prejudice themselves, but the people. Pit bulls have long been used in combat and trained as attackers to protect homes, businesses and other things. This has led them to grow up scared of strangers and their reaction is sometimes aggressive. However, a dog growing up in a house full of love is not at all what is claimed. Every pit bull can be just as loving as other dogs. And that’s no reason not to have a pit bull.
  • You can’t trust them around children. Nothing is further from reality. They are very protective animals when it comes to children, just like any other dog, and they are so loving and playful that your children will love them. Make your kids happy of having a partner who is as fun and loyal as a pit bull.
  • They don’t show love. How can you say that! A pit bull is very loving and vulnerable. Have fun!
  • You take everything seriously. His imposing presence suggests it, but try throwing a stick or ball and you will see how seriously he takes his role of running, jumping, and playing. Perhaps this statement is not so misguided, they take gambling very seriously. This is of course no reason not to have a pit bull.
  • You are cold. Is there anything more adorable and calming than a sleeping pit bull puppy? When you have one you will see that you have to tell him not to caress you for a while.
  • Your hugs are the worst. As you can see in the video, this is another false myth and very far from reality. His size and the strength of his arms make his hug one of the best things that will happen to you in your life.
  • You are not friendly. Have you ever asked an owner to touch a pit bull? If you didn’t do it out of fear or because you were prejudiced, change it! Ask the owner if you can pet him and watch his eyes close while you pet him. Isn’t that nice?
  • You can’t take it anywhere. Well it depends on the people around you. But if you don’t care, take your pit bull wherever you want! There will always be people who get scared or don’t want to get near him, but there will also be people who want to get closer to him. There is no reason not to have a pit bull. If your dog is doing well, why not take him with you?
  • You are always in a bad mood. As we said earlier, they have been taught to be vigilant, so their instincts tell them to be vigilant, but that doesn’t mean they are in a bad mood. You can play with him and hug him as often as you want.
  • You are terrifying. Something terrible that is said of them. Its beauty is as unique as that of any living being, animal or human, and as always there will be a dog for every taste.

So why shouldn’t we have a pit bull? Check out this video full of fun pit bull photos and tell us if you don’t want one.

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